Hey all, Here are three shots I'd like some critiquing on

I believe this one could have used a wider dof, but I'm not really sure.


24-70 f2.8L

Shutter 1/4000 (It was really sunny)

Ap: 2.8

ISO 100

This is an HDR of a door, The shadow was too dark for a single shot


24-70 f2.8L

Shutter: 1/30

Av: 8.0

ISO 100

3 shots at 0 -1 and +1 comp I believe

This one is an interesting metal plate built into the patio/sidewalk at the one building on campus


24-70 f/2.8L

Shutter: 1/3200 (sun again)

Ap: 2.8

ISO 100

Let me know what you think,
