I'm taking a trip (honeymoon) to Croatia in October for two weeks. Will be flying into the south side of the country and meandering our way up into Slovania to the base of the alps. I planning on taking my Canon 6D and my 24-105 f4. I plan on a lot of landscape, city scape, and indoor photography. I'm worried about going to places that are indoors and low light. My 24-105 might not be able to handle dim lighting. I know with the 6D I can boost the iso, but I wouldn't mind having a backup lens to take that I can open up. I'm wanting to travel as light as possible. I'll be carrying a backpacking pack with all my clothing, and then a daypack for my camera gear. I've been considering renting a 50mm to take, but am not sure it is wide enough for the trip. I'm thinking there will be churches, museums, wineries, restaurants, etc that I will be in. Anyone have any better suggestions, pros, cons, experiences?