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Thread: Tokina 12-24

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Tokina 12-24

    Has anyone had any experience with this lens? It has received good reviews, and would love to hear anyones comments about this one. It is reasonably prices and seems to be good quality. Any thoughts pro or con? Thank you for your responses in advance.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Tokina 12-24

    Quote Originally Posted by SDykstra
    Has anyone had any experience with this lens?

    I have used this lens extensively and it was a joy to use. I found the image quality to be good and the build quality even better. My Tokina took an unfortunate tumble on to a metal floor from waist height and everything worked fine since.

    Unfortunately I had to sell my Tokina to fund my 70-200 2.8 L IS, but over the good year or so of owning the lens, I loved it. It's also a great bargain considering the rather expensive Canon alternative. I would say go for it, but I suggest taking a look at the Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 and, if it fits your budget, the Canon 10-22 - I have heard that the image quality from the 10-22 is very good.

    - Aleks

  3. #3
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Dallas, TX

    Re: Tokina 12-24

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    <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;"]I bought one about four years ago where
    I felt it was a decent lens with a solid feel but my copy was on the
    soft side. I even returned it where they swapped it out but again I
    thought the performance was marginal once I got it back. The way I
    look at it now after doing photography full time for 6 years is to
    save your money and just buy the best product available which are the
    Canon lenses. Canon has the best resale value where you might
    pay more up front but the overall return is well worth it. When
    I first started I tried Sigma, Tamron, and Tokina where they just
    don't match up to the overall package that you get with Canon or
    Nikon. I ended up writing a less then stellar review of the
    Tokina lens on the Amazon website back then where I took a lot of
    heat from a few other customers/owners that swore the Tokina was the
    greatest lens since the invention of the microwave. My advice
    again is to save your money and buy the Canon 10-22mm. This is the
    best lens along with the Sigma 10-20mm version which exhibits a
    better and more solid feel then the Canon.

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