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Thread: Post your best spooky photos!

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Kenosha, WI

    Post your best spooky photos!

    With halloween around the corner, I thought it would be great to try some different photography techniques to create some haunting shots!! My daughter & I are hoping to get a chance this Friday to create our own!

    I was reading this article this morning for some great tips and techniques that I think others will find helpful also ...

    Lets have some fun and come up with our own spooky photos! Posting how you created the shot would be very beneficial! I'm looking forward to seeing what others can come up with!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Here's a quick shot I did today to start. Basically, all I did was take a photograph of a graveyard and then took another photograph of my daughter in our backyard. I used the selective tool in photoshop to copy and past her into the graveyard and then lowered the opacity on her. I used NIK Silver EFEX faded photograph custom setting and a split tone. I'm working on a few others but this isn't too bad for starters.

    I hope others will post some shots! It's spooky in here all by my lonesome!

    A Haunting Visit by Denise Trocio (, on Flickr

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    And to help kick it off...
    What else do you do when your ruler tells you that there cemetery is full on 1000 years worth of bones?
    Create a tourist-trap of a temple made out of those bones, of course.
    (those wacky Czechs...)

    Last edited by Dr Croubie; 10-19-2012 at 10:16 PM.
    An awful lot of electrons were terribly inconvenienced in the making of this post.
    Gear Photos

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Here is one I made up last year.


  5. #5
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    Awesome shots! I know I have some skulls around here somewhere have given me some ideas Dr.!
    I like the blue and the fog in your shot, Larry ...very nice effect!!

    Here's another I just finished. Done the same way as my first one except this time my daughter was at our kitchen table and I just worked her in around the gate.

    Enter if you dare! by Denise Trocio (, on Flickr

  6. #6
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    I stopped to photograph this old house today and while I was there a lady pulled over and told me the house was originally built on another site about 1/2 mile away but had to be moved when the Green River Reservoir was flooded around 1960. The house, according to her, was over 100 years old. I tried to make as "spooky" as possible. I considered using my timer and tripod so I could get a ghostly image of myself in the window but the floors looked unsafe.

  7. #7
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    This guy is scary...

    Halloween 2012: Merlin the Young by budrowilson, on Flickr

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joel Eade View Post
    I stopped to photograph this old house today and while I was there a lady pulled over and told me the house was originally built on another site about 1/2 mile away but had to be moved when the Green River Reservoir was flooded around 1960. The house, according to her, was over 100 years old. I tried to make as "spooky" as possible. I considered using my timer and tripod so I could get a ghostly image of myself in the window but the floors looked unsafe.
    Now that is one scary house! I wouldn't go in there if my life depended on it ...who knows what is lurking around in there! Nice shot and processing, Joel!

  9. #9
    Moderator Steve U's Avatar
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    Now this one isn't for the faint hearted, so beware.
    ZW Fangs alot by Steve's Life, on Flickr[/img]

    Changed my mind, there are some pretty gruesome ones on Flickr.
    Thanks for looking.
    Steve U
    Wine, Food and Photography Student and Connoisseur

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    I'd watch out for this one, Steve!

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