
I am brand-new to the SLR camera world, having replaced my old "point and shoot" with a Canon Rebel XS. I am a beginner and just wanted a decent camera to get some great quality shots of my kids when they play sports (football, baseball, basketball, swimming, etc) and of our family when we are out and about, at school events, etc.

My camera came with the 18-55 lense but I need to think about getting another lense so I can get some close-up shots of my kids, etc.

I was thinking about the EF 55-250 for $250 but don't especially like the idea of lugging around 2 lenses. The local camera store recommended the Tamron 17-300, but even I noticed the quality didn't seem so good. The Canon 18-200 looks nice but the $800 or so sticker priceabout gave me a heart attack! Then I went to this site, which is wonderful and has so much good info, and started reading about all the 75-200's and 75-300's and how great they are for sports.

Is the 18-200 worth the money, or would I be better to go with 2 lenses and save my cash? Do you really think I would need totake 2 lenses to football games, etc. or can I generally get by with one or the other?Should I really consider buyingone of the other "sports" lenses (the $5-600 dollar ones, not the $1,500 ones)?

I mainly use the auto-focus mode, and while I hope to eventually take a few classes and learn a little bit more aboutusing my camera, I don't think I will ever become an expert photographer.

Can someone give me some advice, please? Thanks!