Hello people, I've been racking my brain over and over this for quite some time now, so I thought it was time to ask for some assistance with this issue.

I made a topic asking for a great portrait lens some time ago and I ended up getting the 85mm f1.8 and I haven't regretted this a single time. Since then I have been doing couple sessions outside (bride and groom mostly) and beside the 85mm I've also been using the Tamron 17-50mm f2.8 for the more wider angles. (This is with a crop body).

Now I've gotten a bit into it and starting to enjoy it more and more and seeing that I'm getting my own style I'm thinking about going full frame and getting a series of L lenses with it that will suit my style, and here the problem comes in.

I prefer to shoot couples that are acting more spontanious and not posing to much to give it all a more naturel look, with this I almost always shoot with the biggest aperture that's possible to archive that shallow DOF and dreamy surroundings.

Now I'm thinking, what would be better for my rather dynamic style, 2 zoom's (24-70mm f2.8 + 70-200mm f2.8 IS) or the whole group of L primes (from the 24mm f1.4 L up to the 135mm f2 and all of them in between).

I already have considered the point of, weight, time and flexibility. But I know as well that primes can archive things that zooms can only dream of.

If anyone has got any advice I would highly appreciate it! []

Jørundr Jørgensen.