Ok, posting this I know its two days before the rumored notification.
Maybe it will turn out to be biggest hoax of the year.

But just in case it is real;

So the question, which to go with.

I have read about the difference with and without the AA filter.
Nikon didn't include the filter when they released the D810.

B&H had this article comparing the D800 to the D800e (without filter)
But then the D810 was released and I wonder if B&H advice turned out to be valid.

That said I know what the AA filter does and moire.
I understand the effect in fabrics, made made items etc.

I have some questions;
  1. If you are a bird photographer wouldn't you see moire in the fine detail of the birds feathers?
  2. Perhaps hair of animals as well?
  3. I have read it is not noticeable in nature, but surely with grasses and trees it could happen?
  4. Why did Nikon drop there filter, was it because of the high pixel density it wasn't needed?
  5. If so, wouldn't it be probable that Canon will do the same thing as Nikon, once it is accepted drop the one without the AA filter?

I could wait for the reviews, but prefer to pre-order as soon as it is released. I suppose I could pre-order both and later cancel the one I decide against.