I recently acquired a new toy: EF 100mm F2.8 L macro lens, and have had a few weeks to play with it. (I may share some picture if anything worthwhile pops out of the postprocessing.)

One thing I noticed was that it is very difficult to handhold macro shots at 1:1, even with a reasonable exposure time. One thing that would make life a little easier is if that camera could be set up to expose when the AF confirmation trips. I did not see any way of doing this on the 7D, but I was wondering if it is possible.

What I would like, is to put the lens in MF mode, maybe hold down the shutter button, but the camera will not take the picture until AF confirmation happens. It seems to operate this way in AF mode, I'm just wondering if it can bty done an MF mode as well.

Thanks for any advice here.
