Anyone else had any experience with this lens? It's only been out a
short while, by all accounts it's amazing, almost as good IQ in the
centre as the Canon 35L, and beating it by far in the corners for any
aperture. For 3x the price new, the canon L just adds AF and repositions the red ring from what I can tell.


I just grabbed one on ebay, 2nd hand after a few months
of 'filming use', $350 shipped (cf €409 new in the Netherlands, i've
never seen a price in Australian Dollars). Once I get it in a week or
two, presuming it's in as good nick as they claim, i'll be taking a lot
of shots with it. I'm sure my friend has the Canon 35L (heck, he's got
almost every other black lens with a red ring), i'll see if i can set up
some direct comparisons if i can (with my 7D and/or his 5D2).


In the meantime, it'd
be good to hear of any other people's experiences with this lens, and
given its reputation, i'd love to see it reviewed on this site (not sure
if Bryan takes requests?)


sample pictures shall come, any requests? (i've got a nice looking brick wall around here...)