To be honest my interest in this forum has been decreasing over time. I have been a member since 2008 and I still check the forum every day, but I am finding less and less that I am interested in. I enjoy the equipment discussions and some of the technical aspects are stimulating.
But my bottom line is still a desire to get the best images that I can. I really enjoy the discussions that get directly to image quality, image composition, and technique for image capture.
My specialty is weddings, I find members dabbling with weddings here and there and I have been impressed with some of the results. But there is so much more to being a wedding photographer.
I’ve seen a few of you struggle with your first wedding and you seem to be getting a lot of technical feedback on cameras, and lenses, and lights, when to be honest you need to spend more time on the nontechnical aspects of this art.
I would be glad to start a series of discussions related to the wedding business if there is enough interest on this forum. I would like to bring back the ‘art’ of wedding photography and prepare you for your first or third or tenth event. I will be honest and tough on the images you post but only in attempt to make you better.