I have a 400D (with 18-55) and 75-300 F4 (never used and will probably sell it) and 100mm f2.8 macro (Non IS) (this is my most used lens)
i mainly shoot animals insects and reptiles mostly with the 100mm.
and some landscape, HDR, and long exposures. so i use the 18-55 sometimes.
sometimes i shoot small family/friend events.

Im buying a 7D soon and i don't know what lens to buy along with it ive heard the 15-85 has some problems i don't want to pay a lot .
i have considered selling the 75-300 and 100mm macro and pay a little extra and get the new 100mm f2.8 IS as its my most used lens.
or should i buy a new/different focal length? i have also considered the 10-22 or tokina 11-16
but i read that they're only good for landscape/scenery and are not very good for people or close objects.
Can anybody help me choose a lens?