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Thread: 70-200 2.8ll Sharpness

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    70-200 2.8ll Sharpness

    Here are a couple sample shots of the new 70 -200 2.8IS ll. I have posted some previously, but this lens still just blows me away!!! And we're not talking charts, just real world examples. Granted, it is a shot of one of our cats....but check out the detail in the fur. Unbelievable!! Shot was taken with 5Dll at ISO 800 with 580EXll mounted on camera with dome diffuser. The full shot taken RAW, with NO sharpening at all, and output sharpening turned off in LR 2.6. Focus on left eye with top focus point, no recompose.

    120mm 2.8@1/125th manual mode


    This is about an almost 1:1 crop(a tad less) show detail. Look at the hair on the left ear...


  2. #2
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    Re: 70-200 2.8ll Sharpness


    This also shows off the accuracy of the 5DII af.

  3. #3
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    Re: 70-200 2.8ll Sharpness

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle

    This also shows off the accuracy of the 5DII af.

    With a focus assist beam.

    Sorry had to. []

    People are really beating this 5DII AF thing to death.

  4. #4
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    Re: 70-200 2.8ll Sharpness

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
    With a focus assist beam.

    Did he use a focus assist beam? Sorry, I didn't see that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
    Sorry had to. [img]/emoticons/emotion-5.gif[/img]

    Glad you did. My bad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
    People are really beating this 5DII AF thing to death.

    I think it is important, one way or another, to people considering a 5DII. I should have been more careful, though.

  5. #5
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    Re: 70-200 2.8ll Sharpness

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
    With a focus assist beam.

    Did he use a focus assist beam? Sorry, I didn't see that.

    With the 580EXII I'm sure he did.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle

    I think it is important, one way or another, to people considering a 5DII. I should have been more careful, though.

    Well like I said earlier, I've been critical of the 5DII's AF. I don't blame it for missed shots, I just feel for the $2700 I paid it should have been better. I actually don't think I've ever slammed the Servo, but I have been tough on the lack of additional points and the low sensitivity of the outer points especially in low light. I shoot a lot of wide angle stuff and recomposing from the center point can be very detrimental.

    I also think the 70-200 2.8 IS II is incredible, but have also said that mkI is incredible enough for me not to throw an extra $1000 into the 70-200 range. That doesn't mean someday when business picks up a little the mkII won't make it onto my list. There is a couple primes ahead of it though.

  6. #6
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    Re: 70-200 2.8ll Sharpness

    You know I have never had a problem with the 5Dll focus. I know some people say it has problems, but I know my and the camera's limitations, and adjust accordingly. I have taken good action shots with it, but would I use it for sports all the I love the focus on my 1D4, and they don't compare...but I still love my 5Dll. And I almost never...and I mean never, on both systems, use the center focus point. I find that I can't get the right composition. And I almost always have great success with using the outer focus points on the 5Dll. that being said, yes the above photo had focus assist because of the 580EXll attached to the camera, and that always helps!! The only time I have ever had problems with any points on the 5Dll, was with a rented 50 1.2...just couldn't pull the trigger on that lens with focus always being wacky. Granted, when you hit, it was sweet!!!

    But I digress...the look of the 70-2002.8ISll on the 5Dll is nothing short of spectacular!! And the bokeh on it kind of reminds me of my Sigma 50 1.4...kinda creamy/dreamy look. The colors and contrast look fantastic, too. This lens stays on one of my camera's ALL the time. I think it was a definitely a good upgrade, as I will have this lens for a really, really long time. It is just too useful. And I haven't had a chance to try it with my 1.4TC yet either(I do have a 300f4, too), but everything I've read from various sources, say it is a great combination, as well. Not much to dislike(the price is very steep though!!) about this lens. And the competition is sweating bullets, 'cause the new Nikon 70-200 VRll just came out, and looking at the reviews on DPreview, it is good, but not great, and I think ours blows the Nikon away. Although, on the flip side, their 14-24 smokes our 16-35ll by a mile!!

    Anyways, it's a great lens, and worthy, IMHO, if you can afford it.

  7. #7

    Re: 70-200 2.8ll Sharpness

    Gregg, I think you meant you focused on the top right eye....

    From the composition, the image doesn't look like it would have suffered with a single, center AF point if you did happen to use it, then recompose. Not much of a change in distance or x, y axial movement, IMO.

  8. #8
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    Re: 70-200 2.8ll Sharpness

    Thanks for that are absolutely left...I mean right!!

  9. #9
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    Re: 70-200 2.8ll Sharpness

    Actually Alan...even at only 120mm and the range being about 4ft or so, had I done center point and recomposed I might have missed. I took a shot where I focused on the nose, and the eyes were blurry!! Such a minute DOF!! But like I said earlier, I find I use the top left or right focus points the most in landscape orientation, and for vertical, typically portraits, I use the top, or top left or right. That way I don't have to recompose. More often than not, my subjects aren't standing still, so recomposing is really out of the question.

  10. #10
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    Re: 70-200 2.8ll Sharpness

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
    Well like I said earlier, I've been critical of the 5DII's AF. I don't blame it for missed shots, I just feel for the $2700 I paid it should have been better. I actually don't think I've ever slammed the Servo, but I have been tough on the lack of additional points and the low sensitivity of the outer points especially in low light.

    Then maybe I'm even more critical of it than you. I agree it has too few points and that the outer ones aren't so good in marginal light. I also wish the servo was better.

    But I find it to be *very* accurate. And the center point works very well in low light. Overall, I'm pleased. Maybe I should expect more for $2700, but... well... I don't

    BTW, nice picture Greg. I forgot to mention that. I usually don't go for pet pictures but I like this one, the colors especially.

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