For Number 3. If you have a flickr account, it gives you two choices to reference the photo. When you enter the URL for the media...

If you select the larger one formatted like this(the HTML):
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"]&lt;a href="[url="][/url]" title="Oxbow Reflection of Mt. Moran by talico, on Flickr"&gt;&lt;img src="[url="][/url]" width="3404" height="2404" alt="Oxbow Reflection of Mt. Moran" /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;

In the preview page, everything shows up ok, but If you click on the displayed picture, you jump to the flickr site. the back button brings you back to the response page, but it is blank, and closing the window closes everything.

If you select the smaller one like this:
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"]

Everything works ok.

Thanks again,
