I just saw a 1D Mk. II go for $920.00 on eBay last week. I was watching it under my items and was so busy with work that I didn't remember to check on it. Otherwise it would be mine. :-(

I REALLY want a 1D Mk. III, but for about three times the money of a clean Mk. II, I'll probably settle with that. I have been debating this in my mind, thinking of a 40D, but the focusing and other attributes of a 1-series body are really attractive, and I think maybe I could save for a 5D Mk. II later for portraiture and landscape shots.

Just what I've gleaned from reading other peoples' comments here and eleswhere leads me to say that the ID Mk.IIn is NOT worth the extra money over the 1D Mk.II. The Mk.III, on the other hand....