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Thread: Cactus Wireless Flash Trigger System V4 vs. CTR-301P

  1. #1
    Senior Member Mark Elberson's Avatar
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    Cactus Wireless Flash Trigger System V4 vs. CTR-301P

    <span style="font-size: 10pt; color: #000000; font-family: Arial;"]I am looking enter the world of off-camera flash via RF triggers. I am wondering if I should get my feet wet using an inexpensive triggering system such as the [url=";cat=274&amp;page=1]Cactus Wireless Flash Trigger System V4[/url] or just dive right into a more substancial system such as [url="]CyberSyncs[/url]?<o></o>

    <u1></u1><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: #000000; font-family: Arial;"]Generally I would be against spending money twice but I am leaning towards picking the [url=";cat=274&amp;page=1]Cactus Wireless Flash Trigger System V4[/url]which could fire my 3 flashes for only $87.85 compared to $269.80 for [url="]CyberSyncs[/url].<o></o>

    <u1></u1><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: #000000; font-family: Arial;"]Sean, you got started using Cactus V2s right?<o></o>

    <u1></u1><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: #000000; font-family: Arial;"]The truth is that whatever I get probably won't see a whole lot of action right now (5 month old son has that effect on things) but I would like toexperiement whenever I do have a free moment. That's why I'm leaning towards the cheaper units. I'm guessing that it would take me much longer to realize the limitations of a lesser product than someone who's really going to be putting their triggers through the ringer.

  2. #2
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    Re: Cactus Wireless Flash Trigger System V4

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Elberson
    <span style="font-size: 10pt; color: #000000; font-family: Verdana;"]I am looking enter the world of off-camera flash via RF triggers. I am wondering if I should get my feet wet using an inexpensive triggering system such as the Cactus Wireless Flash Trigger System V4

    Go for it. I've been using V2s since I started with "0" issues. At least that I've noticed. I did a small antennae mod and increased safe trigger distance to 75ft only because I had to shoot a night scene of a house. Otherwise, I'm not any further than 20ft away the rest of the time. I've used the V2s triggers a ton and haven'tneeded to replace the includedbatteries yet. I like the low profile transmitter and the way it looks mounted to the camera. I find myself alot of times shooting one handed with a Vivitar 285HV in the other. Just getting the flash off of the camera and being able to manipulate were the light is coming from makes a big difference. Of-course, an off-camera cord could do the same. I've even laid the flash on a table or the floor. It's very liberating.

    Also, don't forget the new RadioPoppers. Very economical. I'd have to say I may choose those over the cybersyncs if I ever consider an upgrade. Right now I'm more than happy with what I have and consider myself fortunate to have been able to obtain such a reliable triggering system at such a small price. I think I spent $85 for transmitter+ 4 triggers. I've had mine since January of this year.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Mark Elberson's Avatar
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    Re: Cactus Wireless Flash Trigger System V4

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Lee

    Go for it. I've been using V2s since I started with "0" issues
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    Thanks Chuck. The V4s are supposed to be an upgrade so I would hope to share your same success. Like you, I would expect to be using these triggers from only about 20 feet away 99% of the time.

    I just updated the thread name to "Cactus Wireless Flash Trigger System V4 vs. CTR-301P". I did a quick search on the forum and Sean referenced the CTR-301Psbefore. They are in the same price point as the Cactus triggers so I'm hoping to hear what people have to say about them as well.

    I think at this point it's between these two triggers since I'm really looking for, how should I say, cost effectiveness ;-)

  4. #4

    Re: Cactus Wireless Flash Trigger System V4

    I have a set of Cactus V4 triggers. To be honest, I was quite surprised by their 'quality'. The fire percentages is good. If you're just experimenting in a controlled environment (in which you can repeat the action if the triggers fail to fire) you should be all right.

    Don't expect superb build quality, but they do with they are supposed to do, at a decent price-point.

  5. #5
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: Cactus Wireless Flash Trigger System V4


    Yes, I started out with the Cactus V2s units. They worked well for a while, but I was a bit rough on them and they started falling apart. They weren't very well made, and after a while they simply stopped working reliably. The Cactus V4 units are the next generation up from the V2s units. At first I recommended them based on the initial pre-release reviews. However, once they were released, there were numerous reports of faulty units. I stopped recommending them and started recommending the CTR-301ps because the reviews I could find on them were generally very good.

    I bought a set of CTR-301 (non P) units and used them for a while. They worked reasonably well, but I tried to mod them to get more range and better batter life from them. After modding them, my units began acting very funny. They weren't as reliable as when I first got them. I still like the CTR-301p untis for a beginner for a couple of reasons--1) they don't require extra cords to connect the receiver to the flash (and don't raise the flash very far from the umbrella swivel), and 2) they have a built-in optical slave. I still keep the CTR-301s that I own in my gear bag. The optical slave makes them handy every now and then. In fact, you can use them in a couple of neat ways--like using a 580EX on-camera to do rear-sync or even pseudo high-speed sync using all your off-camera (non-Canon) flashes.

    In the end, I decided that Cybersyncs were the best solution for me. I was using off-camera flash in almost every shoot I did, and getting a reliable triggering solution meantI spent more time getting the light output fine-tuned rather than worrying if my flash even fired in the first place. The new RadioPopper JrX units should be researched before buying mid-range triggers (like the Cybersyncs). They offer a few key features that will be important to many strobists. However, Cybersyncs are well priced and have been around for some time--they're tried and tested, and just plain work. I think purchasing the CTR-301p set is a great (inexpensive) way to go to get started. There are plenty of people who are quite happy with their Cactus V4s, but I've seen fewer complaints related to the CTR-301p units.

  6. #6

    Re: Cactus Wireless Flash Trigger System V4

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    <p class="MsoNormal"]<span>I purchased a few CTR-301P&rsquo;s from ebay a few months back.<span> The price was right and an affordable why to
    get into wireless triggering.<span> I have had
    a few issues with them.<span> They seem to
    work pretty well with my speedlites (the odd mis-fire (maybe 1 in 100), but
    acceptable considering the price I paid); most times it&rsquo;s a case of my
    speedlites going to sleep.<span> When I use
    them with my studio strobes however I have ran into more issues.<span> I suspect that the sync cables may be faulty;
    I usually have to adjust the connection to get them to fire consistently.<span> I went with the CTR-301P because many of the
    reviews of the Cactus V2 were not so great, and the CTR-301P&rsquo;s stand up nicely
    on their own if you don&rsquo;t have a stand.<span>
    I&rsquo;d recommend the CTR-301P (despite the issues that I&rsquo;ve had) &ndash; but I haven&rsquo;t
    looked into the Cactus V4 so I don&rsquo;t know how they compare (looks like they&rsquo;ll
    stand up on their own as well).<o></o>

  7. #7

    Re: Cactus Wireless Flash Trigger System V4

    I purchased a few CTR-301P&rsquo;s from ebay a few months back. The price was right and an affordable why to get into wireless triggering. I have had a few issues with them. They seem to work pretty well with my speedlites (the odd mis-fire (maybe 1 in 100), but acceptable considering the price I paid); most times it&rsquo;s a case of my speedlites going to sleep. When I use them with my studio strobes however I have ran into more issues. I suspect that the sync cables may be faulty; I usually have to adjust the connection to get them to fire consistently. I went with the CTR-301P because many of the reviews of the Cactus V2 were not so great, and the CTR-301P&rsquo;s stand up nicely on their own if you don&rsquo;t have a stand. I&rsquo;d recommend the CTR-301P (despite the issues that I&rsquo;ve had) &ndash; but I haven&rsquo;t looked into the Cactus V4 so I don&rsquo;t know how they compare (looks like they&rsquo;ll stand up on their own as well).

  8. #8
    Senior Member Mark Elberson's Avatar
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    Re: Cactus Wireless Flash Trigger System V4

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Setters

    I think purchasing the CTR-301p set is a great (inexpensive) way to go to get started. There are plenty of people who are quite happy with their Cactus V4s, but I've seen fewer complaints related to the CTR-301p units.
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    Thanks Sean!

  9. #9
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Savannah, GA

    Re: Cactus Wireless Flash Trigger System V4

    Of course, with ebay triggers (Cactus included), you'll get shorter range, less than 100% reliability, inferior build quality, and possibly the loss of shooting at your max sync speed (maybe 1/200 or 1/160 instead of 1/250). But for the casual shooter, they are a great way to get your feet wet. Only after experiencing those issues, and deciding that they do indeed cramp your style, should you shell out more money on the mid or highest pricerange triggers. :-)

  10. #10
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    Re: Cactus Wireless Flash Trigger System V4

    Sean and Mark,

    You have to be really careful when modifying radio triggers. You can create a worse situation if it's not done correctly. I'm not saying Sean that you did anything incorrectly. The V2s mod is very easy "if" you know how to properly solder an electrical connection. The Vivitar battery modification is also easy if your careful and pay attention. I posted this mod a couple of months ago. Notice Sean that I've got the V2s straped with velcro tape to the side of the strobe. I have three strobes setup like this and I carry them around in a 8.00 duffle bag I bought at Wally-World. With thereciever straped to the flash, there's not much that can happen to it. I would not, repeat, not use them as a direct hot shoe mount. They're too weak. The only time I hook one to the bottom of a flash is if I'm doing creative stuff where I don't have time or the convience of a stand. That 4th Viv is AA powered. Markwhatever you decide to do will be a step in the right direction. Anything less than $100 for a trigger system for 4 flash heads is a bargain and should be approached as one. As a concession, I had to buy three corded hot shoes with 1/4" thread to mount the strobes to. That was an additional $33 plus shipping. That is an expense to consider. I think that goes for the Cybersyncs and Radio Poppers as well. The CTR-301p units appear that they do not need the additional hot shoe adapters. Nice.

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