My old Doby/German Shep mix (Misty). Probably, hands down, the best dog I'll ever have owned and by far the best to date. Smartest, most obedient, most well mannered, social yet appropriately protective... all of it. There is only a single time I remember having to actually discipline her and (unfortuantely) it was simply a 'pack' reaction when she was younger. She lived to almost 15. I'm working on setting up a wall of 'floating frame' pictures on a stairway wall and this will be among them.

I like this shot simply because it looks natural. If you are trying to get a good shot of just the dog try to get a distance shot of it trotting towards you (i.e. the owner next to/behind you) and into the light. Get it's attention with a treat or command, but try to keep it from running full tilt towards you. The only thing I wish I could change about this one was the dark spot on the right side of her face.


One of the current dogs (Max). Perfect light and angle (well maybe not PERFECT but...). It's hard to get coat and eye detail on a dark colored dog.
