Finally got a good shot of a male wood duck, these guys along with the madarin ducks are very skittish, it's tough to get a frontal shot of them. Thanks for viewing everyone!
40D & 500 f/4L IS, f/4, 1/320, ISO 400, handheld
Finally got a good shot of a male wood duck, these guys along with the madarin ducks are very skittish, it's tough to get a frontal shot of them. Thanks for viewing everyone!
40D & 500 f/4L IS, f/4, 1/320, ISO 400, handheld
Nate....that's a beauty and HAND HELD. Have you been going to the gym....LOL.
I know your pain, they visit a small bog pond in the spring and maintain a distance beyond the max for the 100-400.
Thanks for sharing
I know I've posted this somewhere before. This was spring of 2009. view large to see feather detail
Canon AV-1 with either 200 or 400 speed FujiFilm. An FD mount 50mm 1.8 was used. I'm not sure what the aperture or shutter speed was.
I consider myself lucky to snag a shot such as this. haha. Great photos everyone!
Itheone, I specifically like your bluebird in the backyard!
Not exactly up to the standard of the rest of the pictures here, but here is one of my favorites of a heron taking flight.
XSi, EF-S 18-55IS, F-11, 1/250, ISO 200
Any comments/criticism welcome.
Fledging great horned owl, Fish Creek Park, Calgary Alberta, June 2009
Jonathan Huyer
Strange... my picture got cut off on the right side. Oh well, I'm new to this. I'm quite inspired by all the other postings --- very nice everyone!
Jonathan Huyer
Originally Posted by Jonathan Huyer
Did you resize it to 800 pixels wide? I believe that is the maximum width that will post.
The part that was shown was nice though [H].
Funny, I was just thinking "nice unusual composition" on the owl pic. Oh, well... [H]
Originally Posted by Sinh Nhut Nguyen
Wow, Nate! That is a great shot. The saturation and sharpness are just so intensely beautiful. I really enjoy your shots, each better than the last. This may be one of my favorites so far. Almost unfair, the seemingly endless supply of avian species available to you within reach of the mighty 500 f/4.