IMG_3751 by sedwards679, on Flickr
Stuart Edwards
1DX Mark II , 6D , Samyang 14mm f2.8 ,Sigma 85mm f1.4A , 24-105mm f/4L IS , 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II ,100-400 f5.6L II , 300mm f/2.8L II , EF 1.4x III , EF 2x III, 430EX II
Shot with the 7D II
Worm by hdnitehawk01, on Flickr
This is my first and only "little bird" shot, i think it is a "Blue tit", but here in Italy we call it "Cinciallegra" which reminds a "really happy bird"!
Coff coff, i take this shot while i was... in the bathroom looking out the window!
Autumn, Bird, Blue Tit by jamsus11, on Flickr
Pileated Woodpecker (female) from my back yard set up
iso 1600
That one's really nice Joel. You timed this one just right to have the right pose.
See my photos:
Thanks Dave, I like the backgrounds in my yard the best in fall and spring....the color is so nice.
This one of an American Goldfinch with the out of focus golden leaves on the tress in the BG is another one I took recently that I like.
ISO 1600
i ran out of seed in my feeder so this is the only guy that came by today. he wasnt very cooperative as he was always facing away. i think it still came out pretty good for 3200 ISO
IMG_9810 by sedwards679, on Flickr
Stuart Edwards
1DX Mark II , 6D , Samyang 14mm f2.8 ,Sigma 85mm f1.4A , 24-105mm f/4L IS , 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II ,100-400 f5.6L II , 300mm f/2.8L II , EF 1.4x III , EF 2x III, 430EX II