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Thread: wildlife flash photography

  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: wildlife flash photography

    thank you all for taking the time to answer my question, the fact is
    that I really don't like the 100-400 (there's one page regarding my
    dissapointment with this lens) and I was thinking about photographing
    let's say big birds like eagles.the closest I could get to one was 50m
    or so, will the flash still give me some light at that distance or is
    useless? (the 580exll)

    what about macro using this flash? with the 100mm f2,8 lens (not the
    IS version)

    thank you

  2. #12
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    The Netherlands

    Re: wildlife flash photography

    Hey Adrian,

    Quote Originally Posted by adrian mandea
    what about macro using this flash? with the 100mm f2,8 lens (not the
    IS version)

    I do it all the time! Check this out:

    50D with 100mm f2.8 macro @ iso100 f10 1/250

    The fact that you could use a flah with macro is that you lit the entire photo. Because of the distance to your subject and background. Your flash has a flashnumber of 43m(430EX) and I believe 58m(580EX) so flashing a macrobackground at like 1m shouldn't be a problem.

    With wildlife at a distance you only lit a particular area which can make it very hard to get to the correct white balance. If you will use flash-whitebalance you'll notice that your subject might be exposed corectly with natural colors, but the surroundings and background (where the flash doesn't get) could have a different color due to white balance if it is cloudy that day or your subject is in the shade for instance. That's one reason I wouldn't recommend a flash with wildlife, it might work sometimes, but I doubt you'll be happy most of the time.

    The other reason is just: natural light is the best there is in my opinion. Theres nothing more beautiful than a real natural look.


  3. #13
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Boston, MA

    Re: wildlife flash photography

    Quote Originally Posted by bburns223
    And I get catchlights in all my bird pictures w/o flash. I actually don't know why

    It's because the birds' eyes are lit by the glow of your personality... []

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