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Thread: Another 300f4 IS or 400f5.6 question...

  1. #11
    Senior Member Jayson's Avatar
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    Re: Another 300f4 IS or 400f5.6 question...

    I didn't think TC on the 400 would be a good way to go, but you never know...always have to ask. I have the 7D also and was thinking that the 300 would be the way to go, but thought I would check. I have that 70-300 and I like the distance that gives me, but always wondered about having another 100 to the end. I am going to give renting a shot and see what comes of it. Thanks guys for the input.


  2. #12
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    Re: Another 300f4 IS or 400f5.6 question...

    I don't disagree with Nate's suggestion that you rent.

    However, it *sounds* like much more concerned with reach than with MFD or IS. You've tried 280mm and know you would like more reach than that. This being the case, the 400mm f/5.6 seems the way to go.

    (Sure, you could put the TC on a 300mm in a pinch, but if you're primarily going to want the longer focal length, get the longer lens).

  3. #13
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    Re: Another 300f4 IS or 400f5.6 question...

    I use the EF 300mm f/4.0 L USM (no IS) for a lot of daylight sports and I think it is a great choice. It is certainly lighter and less expensive than the two big f/2.8 primes and it is a tad sharper than the 70-200. If you do choose the EF70-200mm f/2.8, you'll have an outstanding and versatile lens.

    I rarely see the EF400 f/5.6 and I think it is just a tad too slow for anything but brite day shooting.

    You can't go wrong with the 300.

  4. #14

    Re: Another 300f4 IS or 400f5.6 question...

    The 300 f/4 is slow with the 1.4x (f/5.6). I use the 300 on a 30d (480mm f/4 not bad), and on a 5d. You also loose some IQ with a TC. I like IQ. The 70-200 f/4 IS also has great IQ as is. I have both (I like Primes better). f/4 needs good light to get good IQ. f/5.6 (I assume your not talking about the 400 f/2.8) seems to slow to me to shoot sports. No AF with a TC on non 1series bodies( the 400 f/5.6)

  5. #15
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Another 300f4 IS or 400f5.6 question...

    Just to play devil's advocate, why a prime? You're going to be on the sidelines of a sport where the players are moving up and down the field, so the action might be 15 feet away, or might be 50 yards away. To me, that situation calls for the flexibility of a zoom like the 100-400mm.

    However, if you're going out with the 70-200 f/4 on a second body then a prime would make sense. You stated, "I have a Kenko 1.4xtc that I use on the 70-200 and get great results at 280mm but find the need for a longer reach most times." If you really mean most times, why are you considering the 300mm f/4? If you'd said your problem with the 70-200+1.4x is that at 280mm f/5.6 is too slow, or IQ is inadequate, then the 300mm f/4 would be the obvious choice. But 300mm is not a 'longer reach' than 280mm, IMO, so if you're going with a prime you'd want the 400mm f/5.6. But then I'd come back to the 100-400mm, since at 400mm it's no slower than the prime, and offers much more flexibility, IS just in case, and only a very minor hit on IQ.

  6. #16
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    Re: Another 300f4 IS or 400f5.6 question...

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist

    You're going to be on the sidelines of a sport where the players are moving up and down the field, so the action might be 15 feet away, or might be 50 yards away. To me, that situation calls for the flexibility of a zoom like the 100-400mm.

    However, if you're going out with the 70-200 f/4 on a second body then a prime would make sense.

    I agree much. For such things, I really like a 70-200 on one body at aprime on another.

    Good for games, weddings, etc.

  7. #17
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    Re: Another 300f4 IS or 400f5.6 question...

    The 400mm F/5.6 is a great lens, I used it on my 40D, and autofocused in good light with both 1.4X and 2X TC's. Obviously, AF with a 2X was slow and light has to be good.

    I never really intended to use TC's with the lens, I had a cheap non reportingTamron 1.4X and a quantaray 2X that came with a used camera, so I gave it a try.

    The house in this photo is a long long ways away, maybe 1500-2,000 ft, so the atmosphere causes some distortion. The lens was on a tripod, and the shutter speeds vary from 1/80 sec with the 2X to 1/500 with no TC, due to my letting the camera set the parameters.

    400mm no TC

    Same location with 1.4 TC

    Same location with 2X TC

  8. #18
    Senior Member Jayson's Avatar
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    Re: Another 300f4 IS or 400f5.6 question...

    Thanks for all of the tips and pictures. I appreciate your responses. I have a friend that I just discovered purchased the 300 f4, so I am going to go shooting with him in the near future and will give that a shot. We will see if that works for what I am looking for and if not, then the 400 will be in my bag.

    Thanks again.

  9. #19
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    Re: Another 300f4 IS or 400f5.6 question...

    I'm in a somewhat similar situation and my solution is torent a Sigma 100-300 F/4. Not image stabalized, but I believe that shooting action in daylight I don't want it. Renting makes alot more sense to me than buying and selling.

  10. #20
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    Re: Another 300f4 IS or 400f5.6 question...

    Nothing wrong with renting, its the $40 postage that is painful to me.

    I have generally found that I can buy a popular Canon L use it for 2 or 3 years, and if I want to upgrade, sell it for what I paid or more. I tried this with a Sigma and found resale to be much less favorable.

    But, for a one time use, rentals make sense, its just that we have no local rentals, so I must rent by mail order and pay the high cost of shipping.

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