Well it's a fact! The Netherlands are playing in the finales of the world cup football in South Africa! (soccer as some like to call it...) After defeating Uruguay yesterday we're through! WOWOWOWOW!![H]

I have no clue how big of a deal this is for most people around here (did you even know the US played as well??[A]), but it's HUGE in the Netherlands and at this moment also in Spain and Germany. Here in the Netherlands people all dress up in orange clothes and in the most silly outfits and there's absolutely nobody walking on the streets when there's a game on! Only the plaza's and the terraces of cafes are fully filled with fans watching the game together! (search for Dutch fans on google images for some ideas[:P])

Anyway, tonight Germany and Spain battle for finalist as well and I know there are some Germans around here....what do you think it's gonna be??

I truly hope Germany wins so we can have a final between the Netherlands and Germany, that would be awesome! Some true rivalry going on there...

Woooooo! I can't wait till sunday!


Edit: Spain qualified tonight as the second finalist, so they will be playing against the Netherlands this Sunday!!
<h2>Edit2: Spain defeated the Netherlands in yesterdays final game. Congratulations to the Spain!</h2>