<span style="color: #000000;"]<span style="color: #000000;"]<span style="color: #000000;"]It's
that time of year again, and I had the opportunity to shoot the same
little league baseball team as last year. This was their Ohio state
tournament and they actually ended up winning the whole thing. For the
hundreds of shots I took during the weekend's games, I took just as many
of the celebration after the championship game. Here were some of my
favorites, all taken with an XSi wearing a 70-200 f4, ISO 100-200. All were cropped and tweaked in Photoshop.






<span style="color: #000000;"]<span style="color: #000000;"]<span style="color: #000000;"]I was
quite pleased with my efforts, especially considering where I had to
shoot. The entire field was surrounded by fencing that was at least 5
feet tall. The only gap in the fence was between the doors of a chain
link gate, which was latched closed. It was about 8 inches of space. I
spent much of my time following the action in the viewfinder only to be
stopped by my lens hitting the fence. Fortunately I was still able to
give all the parents about a dozen shots of their kid.

Lesson Learned: Shoot less images. I'm still feeling out how to
get shots of everything I want during a game, and so I tend to
overshoot. The time spent sifting through the excess shots is daunting.
Efficient shooting equals more efficient editing. That's my goal for
next time. What else should I work on?