Spending two weeks with a professional photographer who had the 1DMarkIV too, I learnt a lot. For instance that it is not necessary to store always Jpeg AND Raw. This is only usefull, when for example the conditions are hazy and you want to push the contrast (btw. he used often in such conditions a pole circular filter 77m-D) Now I come the point. He had set the set button in accordance to the headline i.e. the manual and could very fast switch from Jpg to Raw, without going into the menue.

I tried to set this function with my 1DMarkIV and it didn´t work. Shifting the little white bar from O to 2 (the position for changing from JPG to RAW) it jumps over this position and goes directly from position 1 to position 3.

I read the manual forth and back in order to find a restriction. What I found was, that when I press the SET-button the shutter works, i.e. is open until I release it. But function is set by Canon and existed already when I got the camera.

I should be very grateful for help, because the possibility to switch rapidly to RAW is very practical.