Thanks for the comments, BogdanD! I must say as well, that last picture is by far my favorite photo from that shoot.

And I am very grateful to hear your comments about the other two. About the second one, I kinda felt like something was just a tad bit off.. I couldn't seem to put words to the 'problem' myself; butI believe you nailed it right on. []I wish I knew what I was doing there a little bit more and maybe I could've fixed it. Oh well, next time.

And the flower & bee shot: unfortunately, I too realized once I got to reviewing it on my monitor, that yes the bee wasn't in focus.. [] Too bad I didn't know about it then (but then again, I can't really see too much with the 20D's screen/resolution size). For whatever it's worth, I think the problem lay with in my focus method for that shot; I used the 'center-weighted' auto focus; but I believe I only metered the flower. So.. again, next time..

Thanks again for the comments! I'm very happy to finally have some critiques! []Thanks guys!