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Thread: Im New in Phtography

  1. #11
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Im New in Phtography

    yes, as sean sayd im using aCanon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS,

    i'm sorry for not answering, this weekend i was out in a weding, and i realized that is not easy to get good shots.

    i hope i can learn how to get good weding shots before the next one:P

    i asked a photographer there some tips and he sayd.. "just shot on P mode", and i didnt like them, i got half with M mode and the other half with P mode.

    and clearly i ´prefer those captuerd on M

    any sugestion?

    ill upload some pics later when i transfer them to the pc



  2. #12
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Boston, MA

    Re: Im New in Phtography

    Quote Originally Posted by sebaparra

    i got half with M mode and the other half with P mode.

    and clearly i ´prefer those captuerd on M

    any sugestion?

    P-mode is basically a glorified green-square mode, where the camera makes all the decisions. In M-mode, you make all the decisions. Personally, I prefer the two modes in between - Av and Tv - where you make what you think is the important decision, and leave the rest up to the camera.

    I normally use Av mode - aperture priority, where I choose the aperture to suit the shot, based on the DoF I want, and the camera sets the shutter speed based on the metered exposure. When shooting action, I use Tv mode - shutter priority, where I choose the shutter speed I want to freeze or intentionally blur the movements, and the camera sets the aperture based on the metered exposure.

    Hope that helps...


  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Re: Im New in Phtography

    Looks like you are off to a good start. My advise would be for you to read, read, read, and practice, practice, practice. Read anything and everything you can get your hands on and shoot anything and everything. Not to get good photos each time but to learn what your camera and lens did for you. Examine each lens you have and study the angle of view, the composition you got, the exposure, lighting, etc. Walk with a prime lens taking photos of the same subject from different distances and study the results. In time you will develop a style that you are comfortable with. Take classes through continuing ed. or colleges. Learn all of your cameras functionality. And then spend money on new stuff you want that was gleaned from what you learned and what you want to do. Too many people jump in and start buying stuff and they don't know what they want to do with it yet. Have fun along the way and we look forward to seeing your posts.


  4. #14
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Im New in Phtography

    Thanks Tom.

    as you say, i have to read read read and practice practice practice, is what i've been doing since i dont even had my camera:P, at the begining i was tring to get nice shots, now im watching some tutorials in youtube or vimeo, so now im practicing exposure, tring to sinsibilize (not sure if tha word exists:P) my eyes, i learning, or tring at least, to "read" the situation, to recognize how to shot.

    i have the idea to take some classes with some friends of my family and next semester in college.

    as you sayd, many people starts buying all stuff. Im lucky because my dad and mom used to take photos and the already had spent mone in lenses so i already have 1 macro 1 tele 2 50-100??? and the 18-50 IS that comes with the camera. but im just learning how to use the 18-50 before i jump to other lenses!

    thats what i've been doing, and now that you told me that i know im doing the right thing.

    i hope to impreve quickly, so i can upload more pics and get more advices!

    Thanks tom

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