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Thread: *** Forum Software Upgrade in Progress ***

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  1. #1
    Administrator Bryan Carnathan's Avatar
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    *** Forum Software Upgrade in Progress ***

    In attempt to eliminate the Server 503 errors that have been plaguing the site, I am moving forward with an upgrade to the forum software.

    The new software is different - it will take some time to get used to. I am assured that the "different" is good - so I request your patience in learning the new way it works. I'm in this with you in this regard.

    It will take me some time to configure the new software - so you will see some changes being made from time to time - especially initially.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: *** Forum Software Upgrade in Progress ***

    We'll see, thanks for the hard work[Y]

  3. #3
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: *** Forum Software Upgrade in Progress ***

    Yikes - that's a different look! Not bad, but it will take some getting used to!

    I've had to re-login about 10 times already.Bryan, thanks again for all your hard work maintaining the site! We'll get used to the new look...


    Ps. when editing a previous post, the text doesn't wrap - might make for some long-distance horizontal scrolling...

  4. #4
    Administrator Bryan Carnathan's Avatar
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    Selinsgrove, PA USA

    Re: *** Forum Software Upgrade in Progress ***

    OK - The home page is now configured to show recent forum posts - probably the most-used page on the old version.

    Because all of the stickies on the site roll up into this page, I

  5. #5
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: *** Forum Software Upgrade in Progress ***

    Thanks, Bryan!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan Carnathan
    John - I'll keep my eye on the wrapping issue - I'm not seeing this issue.

    Seems like the issue is with the Tags area, below the text entry field. When I clicked the edit button in my post in the Photokina thread, the active frame is on the order of 8000 pixels wide, and the text between the tag entry field and the checkbox for emailing replies contains some bad html (pasted below).

    <div style="padding-left: 30px;"]value="17-50+Tamron+2.8+XR+Di+II&amp;17-50+Tamron+2.8+XR+Di+II&amp;1D+Mark+IV&amp;1D+Mark+ IV&amp;1V-HS&amp;1V-HS&amp;40D&amp;40D&amp;42mm&amp;42mm&amp;430EX+rec hargeable+batteries&amp;430EX+rechargeable+batteri es&amp;50%2f1.0&amp;50%2f1.0&amp;50D&amp;50D&amp;5 0D+17-55&amp;50D+17-55&amp;60D&amp;60D&amp;70-200&amp;70-200&amp;7D&amp;7D&amp;accessories&amp;accessories& amp;acd+see+photos&amp;acd+see+photos&amp;Adding+p icture+to+message&amp;Adding+picture+to+message&am p;adobe&amp;adobe&amp;adorama&amp;adorama&amp;ador amapix&amp;adoramapix&amp;advises&amp;advises&amp; andy+wright&amp;andy+wright&amp;art&amp;art&amp;ar tist&amp;artist&amp;atlantic&amp;atlantic&amp;atmo sphere+rainbows+halos+rays+colors&amp;atmosphere+r ainbows+halos+rays+colors&amp;Austria&amp;Austria& amp;Av-2.8&amp;Av-2.8&amp;background&amp;background&amp;books&amp;bo oks&amp;Browser&amp;Browser&amp;Bryan+the-digital-picture+community+objective+Canon+informative&amp; Bryan+the-digital-picture+community+objective+Canon+informative&amp; business&amp;business&amp;buy&amp;buy&amp;calendar +printing&amp;calendar+printing&amp;Canary+Islands &amp;Canary+Islands&amp;Canon+60D+Announcment+%22A pril+Fools%27+Day%22&amp;Canon+60D+Announcment+%26 quot%3bApril+Fools%27+Day%26quot%3b&amp;canon+lens +body&amp;canon+lens+body&amp;Chuck+Westfall&amp;C huck+Westfall&amp;Cleaning&amp;Cleaning&amp;Colour +removed+in+Paintshop+Pro+X2&amp;Colour+removed+in +Paintshop+Pro+X2&amp;Commercial+photography&amp;C ommercial+photography&amp;continuous+light+off-camera+flash&amp;continuous+light+off-camera+flash&amp;copyright&amp;copyright&amp;copyr ights&amp;copyrights&amp;CS&amp;CS&amp;Design&amp; Design&amp;digitize&amp;digitize&amp;Dimensions&am p;Dimensions&amp;diy&amp;diy&amp;Dynatran+AT-818&amp;Dynatran+AT-818&amp;e-commerce&amp;e-commerce&amp;education&amp;education&amp;EF+100mm+ f%2f2.8L+IS+USM&amp;EF+100mm+f%2f2.8L+IS+USM&amp;E f-S+focusing+screen&amp;Ef-S+focusing+screen&amp;EOS+650&amp;EOS+650&amp;Exif &amp;Exif&amp;f%2f2.8&amp;f%2f2.8&amp;f%2f4&amp;f% 2f4&amp;Fancier+FT-6664H&amp;Fancier+FT-6664H&amp;file+problem+canon&amp;file+problem+cano n&amp;flash&amp;flash&amp;flickr&amp;flickr&amp;fo cus&amp;focus&amp;focusing+screen&amp;focusing+scr een&amp;G-20&amp;G-20&amp;Germany&amp;Germany&amp;Giottos+MLT+9371B&a mp;Giottos+MLT+9371B&amp;graphic+design&amp;graphi c+design&amp;help&amp;help&amp;help+portrait&amp;h elp+portrait&amp;high+pressure&amp;high+pressure&a mp;Holland&amp;Holland&amp;hosting&amp;hosting&amp ; ADms150&amp; ery%2f2007PADms150&amp;illustrator&amp;illustrator &amp;Image&amp;Image&amp;Infinity+Compensation+Mar k++Infinity+Focus+Point&amp;Infinity+Compensation+ Mark++Infinity+Focus+Point&amp;inspiration&amp;ins piration&amp;ISO+100&amp;ISO+100&amp;Katzeye&amp;K atzeye&amp;Lens+Care&amp;Lens+Care&amp;lenses&amp; lenses&amp;light+modifiers&amp;light+modifiers&amp ;lighting&amp;lighting&amp;lightroom2&amp;lightroo m2&amp;logo&amp;logo&amp;LR2&amp;LR2&amp;mag&amp;m ag&amp;Maganagment&amp;Maganagment&amp;Magazine&am p;Magazine&amp;manual+focus&amp;manual+focus&amp;m edium+format+mamiya+645&amp;medium+format+mamiya+6 45&amp;mountains&amp;mountains&amp;movement&amp;mo vement&amp;mugging&amp;mugging&amp;muslin&amp;musl in&amp;nature+photography&amp;nature+photography&a mp;off+camera+flash&amp;off+camera+flash&amp;organ izing&amp;organizing&amp;painting&amp;painting&amp ;paper&amp;paper&amp;peterborough&amp;peterborough &amp;Pittsburgh&amp;Pittsburgh&amp;politics&amp;po litics&amp;portrait&amp;portrait&amp;price&amp;pri ce&amp;Printing&amp;Printing&amp;printing+calendar &amp;printing+calendar&amp;pro+photo+nation&amp;pr o+photo+nation&amp;purchase&amp;purchase&amp;Readi ng+Glasses&amp;Reading+Glasses&amp;Real+Estate&amp ;Real+Estate&amp;regulations&amp;regulations&amp;r enting+lenses&amp;renting+lenses&amp;rumour+rebate s&amp;rumour+rebates&amp;self-portrait&amp;self-portrait&amp;selling&amp;selling&amp;senior+Pictur es&amp;senior+Pictures&amp;Software&amp;Software&a mp;sold+items+sale&amp;sold+items+sale&amp;Spain&a mp;Spain&amp;spending+even+more+money&amp;spending +even+more+money&amp;sport+photography&amp;sport+p hotography&amp;stamford&amp;stamford&amp;starving+ students&amp;starving+students&amp;storage&amp;sto rage&amp;strobist&amp;strobist&amp;studio&amp;stud io&amp;studio+at+home&amp;studio+at+home&amp;sugge stions&amp;suggestions&amp;Summit&amp;Summit&amp;s uspicious&amp;suspicious&amp;Tech+Tips&amp;Tech+Ti ps&amp;Tenerife&amp;Tenerife&amp;The+Digital+Journ alist&amp;The+Digital+Journalist&amp;Tv+.3&amp;Tv+ .3&amp;upgrade&amp;upgrade&amp;use+it+or+loose+it& amp;use+it+or+loose+it&amp;use+it+or+loose+it+an+u pdate&amp;use+it+or+loose+it+an+update&amp;used+le nses&amp;used+lenses&amp;Warranty&amp;Warranty&amp ;waterfalls&amp;waterfalls&amp;WB-Tungsten&amp;WB-Tungsten&amp;wedding+photography&amp;wedding+photo graphy&amp;what+to+buy&amp;what+to+buy&amp;work+fl ow&amp;work+flow&amp;Zeiss+Canon&amp;Zeiss+Canon" /&gt;</div>
    <div style="padding-left: 30px;"]</div>
    <div>Now, as I'm editing this post, the Tags field is there, but the "Select Tags..." button is erroneously coded, here's a screenshot:</div>
    <div style="padding-left: 30px;"][img]/resized-image.ashx/__size/800x0/__key/CommunityServer-Discussions-Components-Files/24/6607.TDP-screenshot.jpg[/img]</div>


  6. #6
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: *** Forum Software Upgrade in Progress ***

    Also, my screenshot was downsized from it's original ~700 pixels wide to somewhere a little under 600 pixels wide, and I noticed that the default value in the max width field of the Insert Image dialog is 550 pixels. Does this mean the previous 800 pixel 'limit' is now smaller?

    Have fun with the 60D, by the way...looking forward to the review!

    Thanks again!


  7. #7
    Administrator Bryan Carnathan's Avatar
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    Selinsgrove, PA USA

    Re: *** Forum Software Upgrade in Progress ***

    Neuro - I

  8. #8
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: *** Forum Software Upgrade in Progress ***

    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan Carnathan
    I'm having support figure out why you are getting that mess as I can't reproduce it so far. Very strange.

    Not happening every time for me, now, but still occasionally. Also, only in Safari, not in Firefox or IE.

  9. #9
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: *** Forum Software Upgrade in Progress ***


    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan Carnathan
    *Hopefully* you will not have to keep logging in - especially after the remaining changes are made.

    Not sure if the remaining changes have been made yet, but I've had to re-enter my login credentials about 12 times in the last 5 minutes, including four times to post this reply. For now, I guess I treat this like Webmail - type the reply, then copy it to the clipboard before trying to post it, lest I was logged out in the meantime. [8o|]Maybe I'll try Firefox.

    Other than that annoyance, I like the new design!

  10. #10
    Administrator Bryan Carnathan's Avatar
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    Selinsgrove, PA USA

    Re: *** Forum Software Upgrade in Progress ***

    Neuro - That sounds like a problem - please let me know how Firefox performs for you.

    I customized the sofftware to add a header to the site - Let me know if you have any problems with this.

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