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Thread: My first deer photos

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    My first deer photos

    Driving thru the park looking for deer, ready to give up (again) and as soon as I turned my head to the right...there they were! But out of the corner of my eye I could see hikers coming up along the path next to them and of course, awaythey ran! I had less than 30 sec. to shoot my first deer photos!

    Do to the rush in shooting, they are not very sharpand I must of bumpedmy setting off manual mode getting it out of the bag (my settings were all wrong)but C&C still welcome anyway

    thanks for viewing!

  2. #2
    Senior Member bouwy's Avatar
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    Re: My first deer photos

    Very nice.They are all nice shot, but I like #3 the best.

    Let us know camera & lens info []

    Wally Bouw Flickr Vimeo

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Re: My first deer photos

    Thanks, Wally! These were shot with my 7d and 100-400mm lens. I

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Re: My first deer photos

    I like #3!

  5. #5
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    Re: My first deer photos

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725

    .... I had less than 30 sec. to shoot my first deer photos!

    Do to the rush in shooting, they are not very sharpand I must of bumpedmy setting off manual mode getting it out of the bag (my settings were all wrong)but

    C&C still welcome anyway


    Hi Denise,

    I do that all the time, I accidentally bump the mode dial. I wish Canon would put a button lock on the mode dial, like my old..., film SLR Pentax had.

    You got the shot, and that's all that matters!

    I like #2, because the Deer is looking right at the Camera.


    Lets, see.., things to improve if you had 5 more minutes, would be to add back light compensation, since the background is slightly overexposed, while the face of the Deer is a little dark. Or, try spot metering with exposure lock, by metering on the sand, since the sand color appears to be half-way between the color of the sky and the color of the Deer. Lastly, if you wan't to really scare off the Deer, you could use fill flash.


  6. #6
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Re: My first deer photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Lane
    if you wan't to really scare off the Deer, you could use fill flash

    [] LOL


    Very nice photos. I like #2 and #4.I saw a moose on Sunday. First of all, seeing moose is New Hamphire is not as common as you might think, I've only seefour since I moved here six years ago.And this guy was big, had something dangling from his good sizedantlers, and he had trees in full fall colors behind him as he crossed the road about 15 ft in front of us. I jumped out of my car, grabbed my camera and fired off two quick shots just after he entered the woods..........I got a fuzzy black thing moving through fuzzy trees because my camera was set at Tv 1/4......

    In other words....your deer pictures are amazing.............


  7. #7
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    Re: My first deer photos

    Quote Originally Posted by nickds7

    I like #3!
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    That one is my favorite also! I think I should have just concentrated on this one deer knowing I didn't have much time at all instead of trying to get photos of all four. I guess I got a tad greedy! [:P]


  8. #8
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    Re: My first deer photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Lane
    Lastly, if you wan't to really scare off the Deer, you could use fill flash.

    HA! HA! Maybe I should get there really early and set up my softbox or beauty dish ahead of time and hope they walk to the same spot! [:P] If I succeeded in getting one shot, it would be worth it! LOL!


  9. #9
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    Re: My first deer photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Lane

    Lets, see.., things to improve if you had 5 more minutes, would be to add back light compensation, since the background is slightly overexposed, while the face of the Deer is a little dark. Or, try spot metering with exposure lock, by metering on the sand, since the sand color appears to be half-way between the color of the sky and the color of the Deer. Lastly, if you wan't to really scare off the Deer, you could use fill flash.

    Thanks, Rich! I will keep that in mind for I plan on going back to that same area next time just alittle earlier, right at sunrise. The back is badly over-exposed, You can't tell from this angle but that is Lake Michigan behind the deer and if I remember right, it was a blue sky w/ white clouds!


  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Kenosha, WI

    Re: My first deer photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Kayaker72
    Very nice photos. I like #2 and #4.

    Thanks, Brant! From your story, you know EXACTLY how I felt after I saw what my camera was set at and what my photos looked like! [:'(] I wanted so much to be able to shout, WAIT! COME BACK!

    Did those hikers really need to come by at just that moment!? [8o|]


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