Im looking at purchaseing another DSLR within the next few months. One componant that Im really wanting to compare is the viewfinder. Not the information that it displays, but the physical size of the image while looking through the finder.

While Brians reviews include the magnification and coverage it doesnt help me all that much in easily comparing the difference between cameras.

I would really like to know how these 3 cameras compare: 7D , 1D IV, and 5D Mark II

Unfortunately I do not know anyone in my area who owns any of these, and I do not live near a camera store that keeps any of these in stock to personally look through and compare them. So if anyone has any "diagrams" or real life comparrisons it would be appreciated.

Oh the reason Im bringing this specific question up with the purchaseing of another camera, is that my current camera (40D) when I look through the viewfinder looks like I am looking through a tunnel in comparrison to a film rebel that was given to me.



Oh and I dont care much for looking at the LCD screen while composing and takeing the picture.