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Thread: Non weather sealed lenses out in the snow?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Non weather sealed lenses out in the snow?

    Hello all,

    I'm going to be traveling across the Great White North (Canada) for five weeks this coming winter. All the way from St. John to Vancouver. According to the Farmer's Almanac, the weather is going to be hovering around 15 degrees fahrenheit the entire trip (and I do expect a lot of snow). I'm shooting with a 7D, but currently only own one weather sealed lens (the new 100mm macro). I'm generally out shooting with either the 17-55 2.8 or my Tokina 11-16 2.8 What I'd like to ask here, is do any of you shoot with non weather sealed lenses out in the snow? Am I just asking for problems by walking around with my 17-55? While I'm not really in the position to drop a lot of money over the next two months, would you recommend that I pick up another lens for this trip? If so, what lens? The only lens that I am currently lusting for is the new 70-200, but not very practical if it's the only lens I can use.

    Thanks (in advance) for any comments or suggestions.

  2. #2
    Senior Member DLS's Avatar
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    British Columbia

    Re: Non weather sealed lenses out in the snow?

    the_d, welcome (all be it belated) to the TDP forums

    I live in the "Great White North" as you put it....and

    Quote Originally Posted by the_d
    the weather is going to be hovering around 15 degrees fahrenheit the entire trip (and I do expect a lot of snow).

    you'd better be able to put up with temperatures a lot colder than 15 F!

    Ontario can get some terrible winter weather, same as the prairies. You know what we call the city of Winnipeg (in Manitoba)? "Winterpeg". If you're passing through in January, expect -40F (colder with the wind-chill). Its not until you get to BC that things will get warmer (Vancouver is a temperate shouldbe around 30F). Now it MAY be warmer here and there, who knows, but the best thing is to bring clothing/gear for 32F to -40F...

    As for your question :
    Quote Originally Posted by the_d
    do any of you shoot with non weather sealed lenses out in the snow?

    Yes, I have. And if you keep the snow from accumulating on it (andobviously melting on it/into it) you should be fine. I'd be more worried about rain maybe in Vancouver.

    Have a great trip. Bring a toque!

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Non weather sealed lenses out in the snow?

    Thanks for the quick reply. The 15 degree mark was the average temperature at the cities I will be visiting (before windchill). I

  4. #4
    Senior Member DLS's Avatar
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    British Columbia

    Re: Non weather sealed lenses out in the snow?

    Hi again,

    I shoot with a 5D II (24-105mm, 50 f/1.4). Before, I had an 350D with an EF-S 17-85 IS and the 50 f/1.4.

    Shooting with a lot of snow around (especially on a sunny day), you will definitely want to use a CP filter. Although using a CP when in the shadows may be too dark....

    Shoot RAW - so as to give yourself the most potential for correcting WB and exposure. I

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Re: Non weather sealed lenses out in the snow?

    Not condescending at all, just informed information from a local. Always appreciated.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Fast Glass's Avatar
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    Ferndale WA

    Re: Non weather sealed lenses out in the snow?

    I have taken my rebel and kit lens in the snow and as long it was cold enough so the snow didn

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Non weather sealed lenses out in the snow?

    Looks like a cool trip!

    I used my 40D and Tokina 12-24mm f/4 lens last year in central ontario (around the temperatures you mentioned) and in snow storms without any problems. The snow didn

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