#1 I agree it's hard to make out what the subject is. After reading vlad's comment I realized that it is statue. No water in the fountain? maybe getting a little water (if there was any) would make a it really clear that it is a fountain.

#2 I like the angle of the shot. It not a straight shot like a lot door shots. and I also like the shadows on the wall and the door. have you tried any post processing on it? It would be interesting to see what happens with a little more contrast.

#3 To me it's a really good abstract picture, but again hard to make out what it is. I guess if your point was to take an abstract picture, it's great. but if you wanted to show a road side, then it's hard to make out. What are you trying to tell with this picture?

I am just an amateur and don't know a lot about critiquing. but I wanted to make some positive contributions to this forum
