Thanks for the kind words Jon.
Here is the basic info:
Stack of 57 light frames 90s exposures at iso 1600 using an Unmodified Canon 5dmkIII. I also took dark, bias and flat calibration frames.
For equipment, I used a William Optics Zenithstar 81 telescope (with field flattener) and Skywatcher HEQ5Pro mount (no guiding). If I recall correctly, I used NINA software for image capture (or possibly just an intervalometer, I can't remember specifically) and PixInsight for stacking and most processing.
Sorry to be "kind of annoying"but I only bought my telescope and mount this past spring so I really am new at it. I've done photography for quite a bit longer and have done a LOT of reading and watching videos about astro over the last while so that helps speed along the progress. Also helps that I'm in a fairly dark area (around bortle 3 or 4 I believe). Unfortunately, being in a northern latitude, I haven't been able to get really dark skies for a while now, so astro stuff is on hold until the dark skies return, hopefully try a few later in the summer.
Let me know if there is anything else you want to know. I'm certainly willing to share the bit I've learned so far!