Hey everyone!
I have a problem and I'm hoping someone might be able to help. I recently posted an article on the Canon S100 and then, later on, one on the Panasonic Lumix ZS7. These articles were posted on my blog and part of the interest in posting was to attract viewers to my blog, especially from people searching for reviews on the Canon S100, as it's new and people would want to find out information on it.

My problem is this... Someone commented on my WordPress Blog with nothing but a LINK. When clicking on this link, I saw it was MY REVIEW, SIMPLY COPIED AND PASTED onto another website, with a link at the way way bottom linking back to my blog. Furthermore, at the top, near the title it says "by Joe Jordan" rather than by FRESH Photography or my name, Jordan Murphy. Even if it had said the correct author, I would be irritated because I don't want it on someone else's site without permission. I contacted them via the contact page and told him that I wasn't interested in having my article on another site and that I would like him, and expect him, to take it down. Thus far, he hasn't.

Does anyone know what I can do? Maybe I'm overreacting? Again, the purpose here is that I want people to find my article, read it, and hopefully also look at other areas of my site. This won't happen if someone hijacks my words onto his .info site. What is the purpose of his site anyway? Very irritating. Any input would be appreciated, thanks!

- Jordan