I tried searching the forums for opinions on the 60D, but that search term is too small to be used. So...

I am ready to upgrade to a new body. I've had the XSi for three years now, and I've really liked it, but I think I've gotten to the point where I would like to have better AF, better metering, and video. I know the video in DSLRs is not the easiest thing to use, but I'm hoping to learn to use it for videos of my kids, nothing really ambitious or anything.

My ultimate camera to have would be the 7D, but I can't afford one, and I won't be able to for at least 2 or 3 more years.

So I'm trying to decide between a new/refurbished T3i and a refurbished 60D. The 60D is obviously more expensive.

I'm leaning toward the 60D, because it has more cross-type AF points, better build, faster fps, brighter and larger viewfinder. But I remember when it first came out there was a lot of talk on this forum about how weird it was that it has the variangle screen, it uses SD cards, and it lost the AF microadjustment feature the 50D had. Basically, that Canon had "Rebel"-ized the xxD line.

Do people still feel that way about it? If you have a 60D (or even if you don't), what do you think about it? Very interested to see how people feel about this body now that it's been out for over a year.

Mostly interested in finding out if this camera performs. I don't really care what people think about it in terms of "respecting" Canon's decision to make it more like a Rebel. It would still be an upgrade for me, without a doubt. I guess I'm just wondering if there are any quirks about it, common problems I should be aware of, glaring issues with the body, etc.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for your thoughts!
