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Thread: 1D X, done it, anybody else??

  1. #21
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    Knocking people out, getting paid well for it and you don't have to be fighting fit for it at all...sounds pretty good to me.

    John, congrats! Looking forward to some superb results
    @Mickw, I get your point. And I partially agree with it. However if I had enough money I could easily justify a 1DX for myself, even though I don't "need" it. For John this camera is perfect. Instead of having to choose between all his lenses and two camera's each time, he only has to choose between lenses with the 1DX Hard times... No but seriously, if you like this hobby and you've got the money for it. Enjoy it! I think a lot of the members around here are pretty technical and they enjoy that part of photography as well as taking the photos at the same time. It's a great hobby if it suits more than one of your favorite things

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mickw View Post
    Im not dissing anyone buying such a superb camera
    I think it can be taken that way.

    Most of the people I know that have 1 series bodies do so for several reasons. I can't say I know any that have the 1D because they just want the latest and greatest on the market. I am not saying it doesn't happen, but in most instances when someone decided they want to move up to the 1D series they know exactly why and it is for specific reasons. Most of the same individuals would use a less expensive camera if it gave them exactly what they want (for instance superior image quality).

    I would buy a G10 right now if your comparison is fair, but it is not. There are so many other factors that go in to the "detail" of the picture, without even considering the sensors of the two bodies. Things that the G10 will not be able to compete with.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mickw View Post
    think what you need

    @John: I have to agree with this part of his statement. Now that the 1D X is on the way it should be time to start thinking about a new 500mm F/4 II.

  4. #24
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mickw View Post
    Remember you wont see any detail differance between a 1DX and my wifes little G10 camera at A3 at low ISO.
    hmmmmm.....not sure about that statement. It may depend on what you mean by detail. And there is little doubt that P&S's and even camera phones can take some impressive pictures.....but I know I can tell the difference in prints from my P&S to my 7D. Also...we can't really forget about all those other features that can contribute to photography (such as DOF, FPS, DR, color tone, AF speed/accuracy, AF sensitivity, etc).

    Quote Originally Posted by Mickw View Post
    Please, stop chasing advertising blurb and think what you need rarther than what you can tell your friends you own.
    Really like and agree with the other responses. "Need" is very limiting. I think it could be argued you don't "need" a G10. Want, desire, enjoy, etc....those come into play....

    Love the Harley quote.....plan to use that very soon....

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayaker72 View Post
    "Need" is very limiting.
    Yes it is, because I need $22,000 so I can pre-order a 500mm and 600mm F4L II.
    Very limiting indeed.

  6. #26
    Mick, you really stepped into it this time....

    You have to realize that there a lots of folks on this forum who are, simply put, gear heads. They like the new. They like the shiney. And, several of them makes boat loads of money. So, they'll be the first to admit that, no, they don't need it....they WANT it. They have the discretionary income to buy whatever they want, so they do. They see the latest, greatest, and it's just something they have to have.

    It's afterwards, that they build a case to convince everyone (and, themselves) why they bought.

    My father-in-law has gone through 7 pickup trucks in 14 yrs. He doesn't "need" a new truck, he just wants one, and he justifies the new one AFTER he gets it.

    So it is with photography buffs (and, any hobby lover, for that matter).

    By the way, Bob, my GL1800 Wing will smoke an Electra Glide. If you have one, I'm sure I'd be looking at you in my side mirrors, with you traveling at a -120 miles per hour....

  7. #27
    Hi again John, honestly my friend, im not giving you any grief over buying the x. It is the best Canon camera out there and i really do hope you enjoy your purchase as im sure you will. I chose not to buy the x. I already have a 1DS3 and im about to have a 1DMK4. I own all of Canons top of the line lens to. If you can get the x, get it.

    What im getting at is i see a lot of people talking a lot of talk about this camera and that camera, revealing their knowledge of this and that. I could explain why they do it but wont (i work in the psychological field) and its easy to expalin why a lot of people on forums do it. My point is, dont listen to them and think of what you take pics of and buy what you need for the pics that you take then spend your money on going to places to take the shots you want to take.

    You never hear anyone talk of what size they print and thats the big problem. A lot of whats bought is pose value. Look at me ive got a pro body but never print anything bigger than an A3 and wont go out in poor weather, i dont do sport, wildlife or photojournalism. So why buy a pro body?

    Again, im not dissing anyone who buys anything, but please think before you buy.Otherwise you'll get caught up in the advertising blurb and buy something you wont need when the money could be spent on a differant camera and an expensive photoshoot. Yes we all want one and buy one if you can, but you wont see any differance between a far cheeper option and the x. Thats my point.

    Me? I do wildlife, landscapes, photojournalism and sport.

  8. #28
    Senior Member conropl's Avatar
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    John and Jonathan:

    Congratulations to the both of you. I wish I could do the same, but with three kids in college it is going to have to wait awhile. In the mean time I hope to live vicariously through you.

    By the way - this is the cheapest hoby I have had in a while, so I do not quite understand why people who spend 10's of thousand of dollars on their hoby cannot seem to get that this can be a hoby as well, and cheaper than theirs.
    5DS R, 1D X, 7D, Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6, 24mm f/1.4L II, 16-35mm f/4L IS, 24-105mm f/4L, 50mm f/1.8, 100mm Macro f/2.8L, 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II, 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L, 580EX-II

  9. #29
    Senior Member FastGass's Avatar
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    Congrats John! I can't tell you how badly I want that camera and just as much lucky you are!

    At Mickw,

    I know were your gettting at, but I think where you tend to imply your own epinion is what you can see in a A3 print. I can clearly see the difference between a 10 MP image an 18MP image on a A3 from my Epson R1900. In the best scenario a P&S is not going to be identical to DSLR. It might be somewhat close with the kit lens, but if you use a nifty fifty stopped down to its peak there would be a clear difference in a A3 print.


  10. #30
    Senior Member Dave Throgmartin's Avatar
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    Really it comes down to the cash. If someone has the cash and the passion to use the 1DX and they enjoy it then great. There are many examples given in the thread about how much people spend on other hobbies like motorcycling, fast cars, etc...

    Enjoy the new camera John!

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