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Thread: 1D X, done it, anybody else??

  1. #51
    Senior Member FastGass's Avatar
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    Beautiful Ferndale Washington.
    How about instead of a 5D III a 1Ds II? To the untrained eye they would be nearly identical, plus if she asks you can say you only paid $2000 on the 1Ds II and the 1Dx is only a couple of models up....

    I'm thinking forgivness is going to be a big factor!

    Amateurs worry about gear, pros about the pay, masters about the light, and I just take pictures!

  2. #52
    I ordered the X as well, but in Europe. Estimate delivery in 30 Days. I will be in Africa from the 5th to the 20th of April, so I cannot have the X with me.

  3. #53
    Moderator Steve U's Avatar
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    Africa would have been a great trial for it Gian, I'm looking forward to seeing some of your shots and getting your thoughts.
    Steve U
    Wine, Food and Photography Student and Connoisseur

  4. #54
    Senior Member Raid's Avatar
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Hi Neuro

    I thought I would look at your profile to see what gear you currently own, just wanted to how big a step you are making..... have you ever thought of getting a hobby?
    Canon EOS 7D, EF-S 10-22, EF 24-105L, EF 50 f1.2L, EF 70-300L, 430EX.

    "Criticism is something you can easily avoid, by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing." -
    Tara Moss

  5. #55
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raid View Post
    have you ever thought of getting a hobby?
    I would have thought that drinking wine qualifies as a hobby?

  6. #56
    Moderator Steve U's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist View Post
    I would have thought that drinking wine qualifies as a hobby?
    Of course it does and as therapy.
    Steve U
    Wine, Food and Photography Student and Connoisseur

  7. #57
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve U View Post
    Of course it does and as therapy.
    Therapy the form of a nice 2009 Bonterra Organic Chardonnay, grapes from Mendocino County, CA.

  8. #58
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gian Luca View Post
    I ordered the X as well, but in Europe. Estimate delivery in 30 Days. I will be in Africa from the 5th to the 20th of April, so I cannot have the X with me.
    Are you taking any of your beautiful models with you?
    An awful lot of electrons were terribly inconvenienced in the making of this post.
    Gear Photos

  9. #59
    Junior Member
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    I preordered an X, as I had planned on moving up to a 1D body this year. But unfortunately they failed to delight. I can drop the money, but I keep my bodies for a long time, and 18 megapixels doesn't do much for me. I really wanted 24 on up.

    I'll probably cancel the order and wait (and wait, and wait) until the next one.

  10. #60
    Junior Member
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    I managed to get a pre-order in as soon as I spotted it announced when I checked this site one morning first thing at work, and am second on the waiting list where i've ordered mine

    I sold on my 1D4 for this and am really looking forward to working with a 1Ds3 and a 1Dx together, though the 1Ds3 has seemed to have aged somewhat. I think i'm going to get a bit more life out of it, given it's build is useful with over-friendly panthera climbing up my leg

    Canon have also apparently told the retailer i've pre-ordered from they should expect stock by the end of this month; as in next week basically.

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