Quote Originally Posted by Dave Johnston View Post
No padding, no bubble wrap..... Nothing.... I could hear the stuff in the 5D box sliding around when I picked up. That was immediately followed by an intense bout of nausea and anxiety.
That's odd, mine came with a bunch of those air pouches on 3 sides of the box from B&H. No matter really, there's enough bubble wrap around the camera itself that I'm sure UPS could do just about anything to the box and the camera would be fine. The cameras are pretty sturdy anyway. Lenses on the other hand I'm a lot more paranoid about... even then, there's a reason there's so much styrofoam in those lens boxes.

I'm loving my 5DIII. It's just about everything I ever wanted from a camera. I'm so glad I won't have to deal with the crippled AF system of the 5DII anymore. I always wanted to shoot with my 7D just for the AF. My 7D is going to get a lot less use now... probably will only use it when I want the crop factor, which isn't terribly often.

Quote Originally Posted by Mark Elberson View Post
Menu: I found the old one a little quicker to navigate because I found it easier to skip over menus rather than scrolling through them sequentially but that may just be something I need to learn how to do.
If you press the Q button in the menu, it moves between tabs so you can navigate quickly. I'm using this a lot at first, but once I have everything set most things I access frequently will end up in My Menu anyway.