60D is all cross type too.

Both are really nice cameras. The T4i is more modern (digic V processor, touch LCD, some other nice features), but there are things Canon does like the full ISO instead of 1/3 stops that make it harder to use. The other biggie for me is the size of the camera and the quality of the viewfinder.


Quote Originally Posted by Busted Knuckles View Post
This is an interesting question.

Dave hit the differences except 9 pt focusing is all cross type vs. just the center on the 60d. Does this change the focusing speed/accuracy?

The rest is pretty much ergonomics, size, sound of the shutter, touch screen, wheel vs. buttons. Is the sensor able to go one more stop of iso or is the digic 5 processor which gives you what difference in high iso of just underexposing the pix 1 stop and pushing it in the computer?

Both will load Magic Lantern which gives you the 1/3 stop function and all kinds of other stuff (intervalometer, etc).

I am still holding on to my T3i for the moment. go play at a best buy the size/feel and flip the coin