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Thread: 6D Announced (sort of)

  1. #11
    Senior Member Dave Throgmartin's Avatar
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    Based off the posted specs, my comparison of 5D3 vs 6D vs D600

    Resolution -- D600 wins with 24 MP versus 22 5D3 and 20 6D
    Frame rate -- 5D3 6 per second, D600 5.5 and 6D 4.5
    ISO capability -- Per posted samples on the net D600 is very competitive versus 5D3. 6D is an unknown.
    Dynamic range -- Typically Nikon wins. I don't know that anyone knows for sure, but it is likely D600 wins this comparison.
    Autofocus -- 5D3 61 points of world class AF, D600 39 points, and 6D 11 points.
    Viewfinder -- 5D3 and D600 both 100%, 6D unknown but is likely less than 100%
    Max shutter -- 5D3 1/8000, D600 1/4000, 6D unknown
    Build -- 5D3 easily wins this, D600 still has partial magnesium alloy. 6D is noted as being "weather sealed" and APS-C sized, the construction is unknown
    Micro focus adjust -- 5D3 has it, D600 has it, 6d unknown

    5D3 is better than D600, but there isn't IMHO a huge difference per the above. For $1400 less the D600 is quite competitive. It is early but the D600 looks to be a substantial step up from the 6D. The frame rate is a bigger improvement from D600 to 6D than 5D3 to D600. Autofocus quality is a bigger improvement from D600 to 6D than 5D3 to D600 also.

    Let me say I'm not trying to irritate anyone. The 5D3 is an outstanding camera. The 6D will be good as well, but... D600 appears to win the comparison easily versus it...


  2. #12
    Senior Member conropl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Throgmartin View Post
    This camera is VERY unimpressive in my humble opinion and I think I'm pretty much their target market.

    Canon's offering is completely non-competitive versus the D600. 6D = fail

    I think I am their target market as well. I have been purposely buying lenses that can be use on a FF (other than a Sigma 10-20 which would go when I get a FF), but unless the 6D ends up with great DR and high ISO performance (gapless pixels would be nice as well), then I cannot see why I would buy it over a proven 5D II (even used). However, I do not see why it would have good DR or high ISO performace and take a chance of pulling sales away from the 5D III.

    Not to enthused yet, but I am still reserving giving up hope until I see how the sensor performs.
    5DS R, 1D X, 7D, Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6, 24mm f/1.4L II, 16-35mm f/4L IS, 24-105mm f/4L, 50mm f/1.8, 100mm Macro f/2.8L, 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II, 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L, 580EX-II

  3. #13
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    Yeah, the D600 does look very tempting, that plus 2 nice lenses or 1 very nice lens would easily beat a 5D3 body-only, were I starting from scratch.

    And it's not that the 6D looks bad compared to the D600, like you say most specs are still unannounced (i'd like to know if it has interchangeable focussing screens, that's another plus for the 5D2 if the 6D can't), the D600 is also pricier, but it has the specs to justify the extra $400 over the 6D.

    I'm still comparing it to the 5D2 though, as Canon's 'entry level FF'.
    Sure, the 5D2 may be (if not, then soon) discontinued, but there's almost nothing to count as an 'upgrade'. Or at least, 5D2 to 6D, for every upgrade there also a spec that's a downgrade. It's a replacement, surely, but it's as much of an upgrade that you get in an EFs 18-55 IS I -> II.
    And if there's very little between them, they may as well be the same camera, and for that i'll take a used one over a new one.
    Maybe the noise or DR turns out to be streets ahead of the 5D2, even enough to justify a few $hundred or so? Then it'll be almost into beating the 5D3 (for IQ), but I just don't see canon doing that.
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  4. #14
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    And now I see that DPReview has specs out

    The ones that count:
    RAW, Fine JPEG, Normal JPEG. no sRAW or mRAW? maybe it's not stated, but meh, i'd only shoot fullRAW anyway.
    New LCD, by the looks. from my few runins with a 5D2, i didn't hate the screen, but if it's better, yay. Touchsreen i'm on the fence as to whether I care. I'd probably use it if I had it, but i'm not excited.
    97% 0.71x pentaprism. 97% is enough, 100% would have been nice though. Thankfully it's not a pentamirror, or it'd be dead in the water.
    1/8000s, beats D600, but I don't think i've ever shot that high (except f/1.2 in full sun, not very often).
    3-frame bracketing.
    Same video as 7D? (I don't use it anyway, so don't know the difference.)
    Built-In Wifi (this should keep iToy users happy, as they don't have usb anymore).
    Built-In GPS may be mandatory for some, i don't much care. (although 'Built-In' makes most sense on a 7D/5D3/1DX, where an adapter would reduce much-needed sealing)
    'splash and dust' resistant, sounds somewhere between 60D and 5D2.

    So in short (until we see the IQ results), it's a 5D2 with a touchscreen, gps, wifi. Besides those 3, there's not much seperating them besides slight incremental upgrades (and a few downgrades)...
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  5. #15
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Those of you stating 'I'm the target market,' and shooting with a 7D - I disagree. Canon seems to be making a concerted effort to shift consumers up a segment. Take the 60D - those with a 40D or 50D were 'pushed' to the 7D as an upgrade, while the 60D was made attractive as an upgrade for Rebel/xxxD users. There are many features (or lack thereof) consistent with this, most obvious is the card media. I see the 5DIII as the FF body upgrade for 7D and 5DII, and the 6D as targeted to 60D and Rebel users.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Croubie View Post
    ... Builtin Wifi+GPS (as to all the arguments in past bodies about how they "can't do it because of radio laws being different around the world', that seems to have gone).
    Don't recall that as the reason (for GPS, at least) - rather, I heard the issue for GPS was the magnesium alloy shell (although that's probably bogus, too, as a thin antenna outside the shell would solve that).

  6. #16
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    Do touchscreens rotate controls when the camera is on the underside of a tripod? It takes me awhile to figure out the controls on my current rig when mounted upside down, and when I'm that low, important buttons and dials aren't very convenient.
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  7. #17
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    It does seem to be a FF camera that would appeal to rebel users, or those buying their first DSLR. The specs just posted on CR Say it has subject / scene mode, which makes it far less intimidating to new users.

    Also if Canon marketing stay's true to it's path, this will be an upgrade to a 7D II. Look for the 7D to be dumbed down in it's next version.

  8. #18
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    Ok, I can't cancel my 1Ds mk2 before they ship. They've shipped it! Atleast that will give me a few days to figure out if I'm shipping it back.

  9. #19
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    If you'd rather the 6D than the 1Ds2, i'll take the 1Ds2 off your hands...
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    Gear Photos

  10. #20
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    Doesn't have built-in flash either. That's another thing I thought rebel folks might want, and I know I like it for tripping my other flashes.
    Words get in the way of what I meant to say.

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