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Thread: Anyone got the EOS M? Thoughts?

  1. #1
    Senior Member ham's Avatar
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    Anyone got the EOS M? Thoughts?

    I've been given the opportunity to buy the EOS M + 18-55mm + 22mm + Flashgun for just over £600

    I'm really interested in it. And I'd sell my Fuji X10 to fund it.

    What do you guys think? Any real cons other than the focus speed?

    It'll become a second shooter / street shooter to use alongside my 60D. Especially with the 22mm STM attached.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    I must say that I am sort of drooling for one. A P&S just doesn't cut it for me. I carry my old 30D a lot, but. I am looking at the same lens combo you are looking at, plus the adapter to use the rest of my lens.

    I hope you get it and lets us know your experience.


  3. #3
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    Not sure if the AF is fast enough for you, the few reviews I have looked at complain about that.

  4. #4
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    I got to play with the M this past weekend at BH. Its garbage. Canon really f'ed this one up. I cant fathom why they would ship something like this.

    The AF is possibly worse than you imagined...seriously. Prepare to be disappointed. It takes a LONG time to focus. It tried it with the 22 f/2. I wanted to check that out and the much reviled 5dm2's outer focus points, and yup, the reviews are truthful on both matters. What a shame, I wanted to see if it made a good travel camera.

    Beyond that, the body itself is far from ergonomic, with the thumb grip woefully small so much that it wouldn't matter if it wasnt there. Also tinkered with a t4i (there were all next to each other) and the focus on that lil rebel is ACES.

    Go try it for yourself though.

  5. #5
    Senior Member ham's Avatar
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    I'm not really interested in the focus compared to an SLR, I expect it to have it's backside beaten in that respect.

    What I'd like to know is how it compares to other CSC cameras, or even compacts like my X10.

    I like my X10, but two things let it down. The sensor (size, and MP count) and the lens. The lens, I believe due to the smaller sensor, gives a lot of distortion.

    So if autofocus performance is anywhere near that of the X10, I'd take a slight trade-off to get a bigger sensor (same as the 60D) and some great lenses.

    The limited range of lenses doesn't bother me one jot. I think I'll have the 22mm on it 99% of the time and the zoom will sit in a case in my bag.
    Last edited by ham; 11-29-2012 at 07:37 PM.

  6. #6
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    I would think the proper comparison for focusing speed would be to other first generation mirror less DSLRs like say the SONY NEX -5. Reviews have noted that the camera and the newest version, NEX 7 (at about twice the price) can be slow to focus under some conditions. I would like to rent one to give it a good try.


  7. #7
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Saw this on CR, was amused...

  8. #8
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  9. #9
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    Anyone got the EOS M? Thoughts?

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist View Post
    Saw this on CR, was amused...
    Cool video, great satire.

  10. #10
    Senior Member ham's Avatar
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    That bad then yeah?

    (Great video though...)

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