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Thread: Winter blues, anyone else?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Photog82's Avatar
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    Winter blues, anyone else?

    I've been looking through my past photos and others that were taken in the winter and am looking at lenses to buy with some money I saved up. Yet, I can't help but feel a little depressed this year, maybe it's mild winter (barely any snow, just fridged cold weather), maybe it's that I'm worried that I won't get out as much when our baby comes (not that I'm not excited for her to come) and maybe it's just the early setting of the sun.

    I have the next two days off that I'd normally work, so I think for at least one of them I'm going to drive around the country side and see what I can find. I hope the weather report is accurate since it's been reported that it's going to snow.

    Does anyone else feel like this? I mentioned that I'm looking at buying a lens (100mm Macro f/2.8 L) and I'm usually cautious when I spend a lot of money and always feel a little guilty when I do but with these feelings of "blues" it's worse. :S

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    I'm sort of in the same boat. Out here winter means flat, brown fields all the way to the horizon in all directions. It gets depressing.

    I was thinking my next lens would be the Sigma 35mm f1.4, but the more I think about it, the less I think I'd use it often enough to justify the cost. I've also been looking at the 100mm f2.8L macro. But again, not sure I'd use that very often either. What I'd really like is a looooong lens, but there's no way I could afford the fast IS versions. The 400mm f5.6 might be doable, but again, it's a lot of dough for a limited use lens.

    I need another vacation, I think.
    Mark - Flickr

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Feel the same - ordered up the 2x III TC. JRW was in Orlando a few weeks back - and other than I proved my complete lack of photo guiding skills - let me try out his 1.4 and 2x TC - I am going w/ the 2x as the DLO in DPP really cleaned up the image very nicely (not that it needed much before I started).

    Hope to get some interesting bird shots in the coming weeks.

    If you see me with a wrench, call 911

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Ah Yes....seasonal affective disorder combined with G.A.S. (gear acquisition syndrome)...not serious except to the health of your credit cards! That's why I fell for the Amazon deal and bought a 1DX

  5. #5
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    I have a very acute case of G.A.S. The 6D brought temporary relief, but my G.A.S. symptoms respond much better to new glass, I think.
    Mark - Flickr

  6. #6
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    80 deg f here with over 90% humidity
    I would welcome some of the cold weather. We get so very little each year and this is when we are usually getting it.
    Everything here is brown. Not much to shoot either.
    I also have G.A.S.
    Been trying to sell my wife on it.

  7. #7
    Winter depression is hard to beat but here is a tip: Is it just me or is anyonelse having problems using Internet Explorer 10 on the forum pages? I can`t use "enter" anymore. It is annoying because I can`t make new paragraphs. Anyway, new glass would be nice. Either macro or a Close-up lens.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joel Eade View Post
    Ah Yes....seasonal affective disorder combined with G.A.S. (gear acquisition syndrome)...not serious except to the health of your credit cards! That's why I fell for the Amazon deal and bought a 1DX

    LOL.... I like the seasonal affective disorder. Our yearly acquisition syndrome, thanks to retirement, generally results in a Caribbean cruise. We leave Feb. 11


  9. #9
    Senior Member Photog82's Avatar
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    I decided to head to a nearby river today and try to get some photos of the colliding sheets of ice during the golden hour as I always look out of my office at work and wish I could be out there. The route I took wasn't the best, I think next time on Tuesday I'm going to try it from the other side of the river that allows me a little more height. The photos came out alright, not as sharp as I'd hope, hopefully next time though.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Santa Clara, CA, USA

    Winter blues, anyone else?

    I treated GAS with a new tripod recently. For a while I refrain from buying more stuff and focus on shooting more on special little day trips instead of just going for an hour whenever I can


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