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First let me say that I think the shot is great. You did an excellent job capturing this family in a way I think they will print big on their wall. I could see this over the couch or something. My only nit pick would be shadows on the faces. This could be personal preference, but in family photos I like to have the faces bright and out there. Mom's face is good, just wish that her hair was a little further back so you could see some more of her face. The father I think could use a little tweak on the dark side of his face. It looks good, but I think a flatter ratio might make it better. The child is going to be the focus point of this photo and I think her face, and maybe her in general, should be the brightest of them all. Right now it is one of if not the darkest. I think everything else about the photo is awesome! Take my opinion with a grain of salt because I don't come anywhere near the quality of work the others critiquing your work do.