I have dropbox with about 8 portfolio folders and images about 1mb totaling 20mb per folder, 140mb dropbox total. I also have my phone, Samsung galaxy note 2 (with custom ROM Jedi X!) syncing up the camera folder and syncing down the portfolio folders that are on the PC dropbox folder. I cant seem to activate a slideshow when I want to show people portfolio on the phone, with its 5.3” screen.

Is there something I am missing, or is there another option such as Google Drive that will go ahead and download the folders. It seems like DropBox is only downloading thumbnails and there is not option to do slideshow. It loads each image 1 at a time, over the web. I know I can simply copy the folders over, but it’s a pain. They mucked up the read write securities on this phone and the sync cable doesn’t allow write to card anyway, so I have to pull the mSD to write on it and its annoying anyway, or use the cable that’s by the bed for nighttime plug in, I just want the dropbox or some app to sync and give slideshow when necessary.