Bryan just posted an article, Can the Canon EF 85mm f/1.2 L II Lens be used for Sports Action Photography? This has been the subject of discussion here and elsewhere. Bryan's conclusion is 'yes'. That echoes his review of the lens, actually.

However, it's worth pointing out that in his review of the lens, his sports testing was on a 1DsIII, and for this recent article, he is using the 1D X. Chuck Westfall has stated, "...the EOS-1D X achieves a higher lens motor drive speed with select L-series USM telephoto lenses than the 5D Mark III because of the 1D X’s more powerful battery pack." Personally, I've noticed that the 85L II does focus more rapidly on the 1D X than on the 7D or 5DII. I wonder...would the same conclusion that the 85L II can be used for sports/action photography be reached if one was using a non-1-series body?