Now for some shots while the sun was up... it's tricky to shoot a black dog after sunset! I have decided that the 10-18mm is actually an awesome puppy lens, assuming you have enough light ... I got the cheap-o ultra-wide expecting it to be a hard to use, niche lens. That was my experience with the 16-35mm on full-frame with a hyperactive Aussie. But, the lighter lens, on a lighter body, with a subject that likes to stick close by, and isn't yet afraid of things being stuck in it's face... it's a winning combo. (first is 1Ds2, 85mm, remainder are 7D, 10-18mm)

Puppy daytime, exploring
by namethatnobodyelsetook, on Flickr

Puppy daytime, gnawing
by namethatnobodyelsetook, on Flickr

Puppy daytime, gnawing 2
by namethatnobodyelsetook, on Flickr

Puppy daytime, chilling
by namethatnobodyelsetook, on Flickr

Puppy daytime, troublemaking
by namethatnobodyelsetook, on Flickr