Hi all,

I've got a weird question I was hoping you could help me with. I'm trying to get some good depth of field shots with some friends. Basically I have it so their left eye (if you're looking at them) is close to being on the second "third" vertical line so their other eye is right at the edge of the screen.

The friend is standing about 3 metres or so away from me whereas the background is 30 or so metres. Now, I switch to manual focus point selection, choose the one to the far right (and move the camera so the red focus dot is directly above their left eye), so I set the aperture to F/2.8 and take the shot.

The problem is, instead of focusing on their eye (which is how I assumed it would work) it still seems to focus on the background so that turns out clear but the friend turns out very blurry. It's still a different type of shooting and has some cool effects etc, but I'm just wondering what I'm doing wrong? I thought if the selection was directly over their eye it would focus on that, or at least their face.

Any ideas?