Jamsus, in addition to HDNitehawk's suggestions and you should get plenty more. I'm assuming you have a tripod....if not get one.
Do you have natural light and/or overhead lighting? Do you plan on shooting Jpeg or RAW? This will determine manual WB or AWB.
For my interior Real Estate shooting; I shoot in RAW, use AWB, and use Live View to balance exposure between outdoor (thru window views) and indoor lighting; i.e. don't overexpose window lighting so you can show your view thru the windows to outside. Stacking will help greatly, but PS and/or LR will help with this issue also.
If you have a lot of natural lighting shoot earlier or later in the day....the lower angles of light coming in thru the windows makes for easier balancing of exposure.
I just received the 35 f1.4 ll and like what I'm getting for interior shooting....so try using your 35mm f2 also.
I'm also assuming there isn't a hardline deadline for this shoot....so start looking at your office as a photo op and start taking pix for practice and to help you make decisions w/your boss on what he would like.
Good luck, sounds like a "fun" learning experience for you, and I'm sure there will be more thoughts coming your way.