I shoot small RAW images if I am going just for a bunch of snapshots like a family gathering or some other event where I know there will be no need for large image files ..... for these events I will crop and do basic image adjustments in DPP4 then batch convert and downsize them to jpegs and put them all into a folder.

For more serious applications I shoot large RAW files ... I start in DPP4 to pick only the very best images for individual processing in Photoshop CC ... the number of images processed this way is much lower because of the time & attention to detail applied to each image individually. The final edited images I keep usually as 16 bit tiff files.

For back up :

1. I keep the memory cards (until after step 3)
2. Upload all keepers to Zenfolio
3. Back up my MacBook to an external drive every 1-3 months
4. Reformat the memory cards as needed
5. Annually write all my images for the year on to ceramic M disks stored in bank safe deposit box