For the individual charging $$ for time w/ a body, I would expect to see The R vs. RP on a shoot, etc. I am not that, I don't charge no money to no one .

My 5d3 is getting pretty beat up, and there are several hot spots on the sensor - one of them is almost dead center so really inconvenient. I am not looking to upgrade per se, rather replace. Throw in a couple of extra batteries, the adapter and off I go.

If I would upgrade, waiting for the "pro" version would be the path I would take, unless it was just a higher FPS of the R - I have a 1dx for the high frame rate stuff (left over from a plan that went sideways for Yellowstone for an early may - wolves/bears on winter kill effort) . I really enjoyed my rental the 5Dsr and would buy up for an uber megapixel landscape version of the R.

the 4k would be an interesting idea for the replacement of FPS for BIFs etc. It was pointed out that the 4k crop is virtually identical to the APC crop so all of a sudden all the EFS glass gets interesting (my daughter still has the 17-55).

I know I THOUGHT I would do some video when I reentered photo but in reality I simply don't - this might force me to vid the BIFs .

At some point their is a plateau that comes into my enthusiast equation. I have glass from 16mm to 600 (though I still would love some better long end... it is that plateau things in play again....) the IQ of the 5d3 is more than adequate, what ever limits it has is not what is limiting my shooting.

The RP is a ton of IQ and capability for not a lot of $$ -