Quote Originally Posted by Tounis View Post
So, have you got the M6 II ? I'd be very interested in your experience with it. I'm sure you would get great pictures out of it.
Thanks Pierre.

Yes, I did pick up the M6 II. I have only had it about a week with poor weather and a friend visiting. So my time with it is limited. However, what I can tell you is I am impressed thus far. Biggest impression is that it is "more fun" to use. For whatever reason, I did not enjoy using my M3. But, the M6 is slightly larger, deeper grip, and has a better feel to it. It very much feels like a mini DSLR. So, it simply feels better but also has a few new features I am enjoying like being able to shoot 14 fps and the touch and drag feature.

I will say, the 32 MP on the APS-C sensor size (so pixel density), in a few of the pics I have taken, I believe I am seeing what people have talked about, if you are going to pixel peep, you had better do everything perfect (tripod, or very fast shutter speed). I looked at a few shots I took around 1/125th of a second (~50 mm) and I am not sure if it is the lens (EFm 18-55) or ever so slight movement, but yeah, wasn't sharp when viewed at 100%.

But, that is me just taking a few pics. Very early impressions are overall that it is a nice little camera.

That said, I have already run into my dilemma. Yesterday, I was dropping my friend off at the airport in Boston, and we had some time to kill so we decided to check out the Sam Adams brewery. I did not want my 5DIV...just a small camera....I was tempted by the M6II, but grabbed my G7X II and slipped it into my coat pocket. That said, my friend and I also checked out some Presidential candidates that were in NH over the weekend. I still have to evaluate the images, but I have a few bursts of Joe Biden at 14 fps. The M6 with 55-200 mm was perfect for that. So, hopefully the M6 is now useful enough it has a place in my camera kits.

I'll post some pics and additional comments if interested. Just nothing more than initial impressions at this point.