Quote Originally Posted by Fast Glass View Post
Yeah, that is pretty crazy. Definitely curious to hear your thoughts after using it some more and how it can be useful. I can see this perhaps more useful with say a bird on a perch and trying to get an exact moment or a humming bird. I think it is safe to say that pupper is better served with 30fps and AF. But it is there so might as well use it when you can. On a side note the puppy is SOOO dang cute!
That cute comes with allot of work. I made the mistake of taking two of these babies home and they are twice the work.

The bird on a perch was the first thing I thought of. One of the photos I like to take is when the bird takes off. Cameras have a hard time with the AF moving when the bird goes so in the past I would set the focus up and hope to catch a shot in focus as it passes through. With 50 frames in a half second you should have a few. If you had great light and a wider DOF the tracking issue wouldn't be a as bad. If you have watched playback reviews on any sport it is always hard to pin point the exact moment a shot leaves a hand. Imagine with this you take a shot of your favorite QB throwing or NBA star shooting and you have the exact moment the ball is on his finger tips leaving his hand.

But I have to say, the R3 is a most impressive camera.